For me, the best the best vocalists of the fest were....

I don't disagree with anybody, but I was the most impressed (probably because I wasn't expecting a performance of that level) by the guy from Dark Water. That guy sounded incredible. His voice had power, was clean as hell, and sounded as good as some voices sound on CD. He impressed the hell out of me.
I don't disagree with anybody, but I was the most impressed (probably because I wasn't expecting a performance of that level) by the guy from Dark Water. That guy sounded incredible. His voice had power, was clean as hell, and sounded as good as some voices sound on CD. He impressed the hell out of me.

This! Also Chity, Klaus from Mob Rules and Danny from Voyager!
Thomas, Snowy, Lori, and Linnea ruled the fest with their vocal talents in my opinion.

Warrel Dane sounded better with Sanctuary than I've ever seen from him live before.

Henrik Båth - he reminded me of Mike from CM in such that he made it seem like it was nothing to be such an amazing vocalist.

Rob - obviously the guy is incredible and clearly not human. Unfortunately I really still haven't gotten into Labyrinth too much - not familiar with their stuff and can't give them a fair shot until I listen more.

I hate to be the only one that thinks this, but Chitty really didn't seem up to par live to my ears. The stage presence/banter seemed a bit uncomfortable to watch too. Overall he was good, but in comparison with the rest he was probably my last pick for vocals stacked up against the rest of the vocalists there.
Totally and completely agree...

I cannot put into words how amazing it was to hear Gethsemane live... it was f'n phenominal... :worship:
By all things holy and otherwise, that was just the most shivering vocal experience I've absorbed in a long time. Just PHEW.
Andy Kuntz pissed me off with his pull-the-Mic-away-so-his-voice-drops-out-completely syndrome. Andy is one of my all-time favorite voices in music, but that pulling away shit infuriated me. I see so many singers doing that, and they just drop right out of the mix. All I hear are consonants and breaths.

I don't know if they do it because they don't want to blast the speakers out, or they're trying to hide missed notes, or cover up poor technique, or whatever the fuck excuse they can give. But if they wanna control the power of their voice by pulling back, they don't need to pull it a foot and a half away! Pull it six or maybe even eight inches when you need to back off.

Roberto Tiranti came through FLAWLESSLY. Every single DAMNED note. I didn't have to strain to hear him, because he didn't pull away the mic to arm's length like Andy did. And you cannot use the Sound-Guy excuse, cuz when he sang softly and up close, the mic's trim and level controls were just fine for Andy.

And I'm not singling out just Andy Kuntz. I could rattle off a dozen singers who are terrible at this, but that's another thread.

In my not-humble-at-all opinion, Roberto had the best vocal performance of any singer to ever perform at ProgPower USA. I heard everything he sang, and it was all invincible.
Andy Kuntz pissed me off with his pull-the-Mic-away-so-his-voice-drops-out-completely syndrome. Andy is one of my all-time favorite voices in music, but that pulling away shit infuriated me. I see so many singers doing that, and they just drop right out of the mix. All I hear are consonants and breaths.

I don't know if they do it because they don't want to blast the speakers out, or they're trying to hide missed notes, or cover up poor technique, or whatever the fuck excuse they can give. But if they wanna control the power of their voice by pulling back, they don't need to pull it a foot and a half away! Pull it six or maybe even eight inches when you need to back off.

Roberto Tiranti came through FLAWLESSLY. Every single DAMNED note. I didn't have to strain to hear him, because he didn't pull away the mic to arm's length like Andy did. And you cannot use the Sound-Guy excuse, cuz when he sang softly and up close, the mic's trim and level controls were just fine for Andy.

And I'm not singling out just Andy Kuntz. I could rattle off a dozen singers who are terrible at this, but that's another thread.

In my not-humble-at-all opinion, Roberto had the best vocal performance of any singer to ever perform at ProgPower USA. I heard everything he sang, and it was all invincible.

I also wasn't expecting that thing from Kuntz. they make it to get control and for effect, and it worked flawlessly during the acoustic set, but then again, I guess on thursday he did not realize the mic's level was not high enough for him to pull it so far back. Maybe his monitor mix was good and he did not hear it. He did get better at it throughout the set. Jason Scheff from Chicago also does this, but he seems to better control it. In any case, Kuntz's tone and tuning is just perfect!!!
Vanden Plas is one of my very favorite bands. Kuntz is a phenomenal singer, and really why I like the band in the first place. I've been praying for years to see Vanden Plas without my hometown airport fucking their shit up and sending them back home.

But not hearing what the hell he's singing, honestly and truly ruined the show for me.
...I never forget what i felt was my first time in U.S.and you were just AMAZING!!!!..... maybe the best audience I've ever had.
hope to see ya really soon guys.
roberto 'n' Labyrinth
I think we had some amazing vocalists this year at PPUSA. Who is the best more often than not comes down to personal preference. I have been a fan of both Chity (red Circuit) and Andy (Vanden Plas) for many many years, so I prefer them and therefore would say they are the "best" in my ears, but Roberto (Labyrinth) has an amazing voice and I was impressed with him. Tom always has those great emotics and I respect him. I never thought Warrel Dane would be able to hit the notes of the Sanctuary stuff he was able to do simply because he sang in a different style for over 20 years. Props to him.
As far as the "pulling the mic away" it is actually proper technique for higher pitched, loud volume notes. The problem was probably something other than technique because Andy knows how to sing very well.

Andy Kuntz pissed me off with his pull-the-Mic-away-so-his-voice-drops-out-completely syndrome. Andy is one of my all-time favorite voices in music, but that pulling away shit infuriated me. I see so many singers doing that, and they just drop right out of the mix. All I hear are consonants and breaths.

I don't know if they do it because they don't want to blast the speakers out, or they're trying to hide missed notes, or cover up poor technique, or whatever the fuck excuse they can give. But if they wanna control the power of their voice by pulling back, they don't need to pull it a foot and a half away! Pull it six or maybe even eight inches when you need to back off.

Roberto Tiranti came through FLAWLESSLY. Every single DAMNED note. I didn't have to strain to hear him, because he didn't pull away the mic to arm's length like Andy did. And you cannot use the Sound-Guy excuse, cuz when he sang softly and up close, the mic's trim and level controls were just fine for Andy.

And I'm not singling out just Andy Kuntz. I could rattle off a dozen singers who are terrible at this, but that's another thread.

In my not-humble-at-all opinion, Roberto had the best vocal performance of any singer to ever perform at ProgPower USA. I heard everything he sang, and it was all invincible.

Thanks for saying this. If you didn't write it, it was going to be one of the first things I wrote getting back to the forum. So frustrating...

Vanden Plas is one of my very favorite bands. Kuntz is a phenomenal singer, and really why I like the band in the first place. I've been praying for years to see Vanden Plas without my hometown airport fucking their shit up and sending them back home.

But not hearing what the hell he's singing, honestly and truly ruined the show for me.

QFT. I, too, was so looking forward to be blown away by VP and was left shaking my head in disappointment. I am jealous of the GB holders who evidently saw the "real" VP acoustically...:bah:

I think we had some amazing vocalists this year at PPUSA. Who is the best more often than not comes down to personal preference. I have been a fan of both Chity (red Circuit) and Andy (Vanden Plas) for many many years, so I prefer them and therefore would say they are the "best" in my ears, but Roberto (Labyrinth) has an amazing voice and I was impressed with him. Tom always has those great emotics and I respect him. I never thought Warrel Dane would be able to hit the notes of the Sanctuary stuff he was able to do simply because he sang in a different style for over 20 years. Props to him.
As far as the "pulling the mic away" it is actually proper technique for higher pitched, loud volume notes. The problem was probably something other than technique because Andy knows how to sing very well.


I agree as well that the overall vocal caliber was very high this year, not really a slouch in the bunch for the styles they do. But, I would go with Roberto as he was just outstanding...
If Andy's performance was my only criticism, then the festival was a singer's dream come true! Cuz everyone else were DEAD ON. I didn't see any singers having actual true problems with their voices, or hitting bad notes, or forgetting lines, or being too drunk to sing (hello Andy B. Frank) or microphone batteries dying or any of the usual vocal catastrophies. Hell... I don't think I heard more than one singer have the mic squeal from pointing them at the monitors! I only remember one time I heard the monitor/mic squeal, and I can't even remember who did it!

The singer from Creation's End was a bit soft at the beginning of his setlist, but by the last two songs he was strong and confident and getting the job done RIGHT. That's really the only other thing I can even remember as a problem, but he was only off for half his setlist. Then he was nailing it.

And Therion's four-part vocal PERFECTION is something to behold. With four singers in my band, we would be giddy with joy to sound that good!!! Balanced, clear, and POWERFUL.

Damn it I'm really now just absorbing how great the vocalists were this year. Really. One out of, what, fortymeleven singers had a bad night? UNHEARD OF! There hasn't been a year with that great of a success ratio!
...I never forget what i felt was my first time in U.S.and you were just AMAZING!!!!..... maybe the best audience I've ever had.
hope to see ya really soon guys.
roberto 'n' Labyrinth

Get back to America.


And thank you for making a 10+ year dream come true, because I never really believed I would get to see you guys perform.

And you NAILED it.

An infinite thank you's for you and your band!
I'm pretty sure that Andy pulling back on the mic was something that he normally does and gets away with. There must have been a gate on the mic that basically cut out everything that he sang from a distance, it was pretty annoying but I dont think it was Andy's fault.

For me the top vocal performances were in this order:

Ross Jennings (Haken) - Brilliant he nailed the songs as good if not better on the CD.
Henrik Båth (Darkwater) - Another performance that was better than the band's recorded material.
Roberto Tiranti (Laybrinth) - Range and a complete command of his voice. He pulled off some sick screams even if they might have not fit the song.
Warrel Dane (Sanctuary) - Have to give him props for singing songs from his early days.
The 18 year old girl in Therion - I thought she was great for her age.
I'm pretty sure that Andy pulling back on the mic was something that he normally does and gets away with. There must have been a gate on the mic that basically cut out everything that he sang from a distance, it was pretty annoying but I dont think it was Andy's fault.

Everyone else in the festival this year that pulled back, pulled less than half as far as Andy did, and none of them had problems. I heard all their performances just fine.

And Andy ain't the only offender over the years...
Everyone else in the festival this year that pulled back, pulled less than half as far as Andy did, and none of them had problems. I heard all their performances just fine.

I was also very disappointed with this. As much as I love Andy's voice, it was a shame not to be able to hear him most of the time. I wish we had made the acoustic set to make up for it, but waking up early for the hotel reservations threw our schedule all out of whack.
*pops out of multi year hiatus* hi.

Singers...Andy Kuntz. Saw both sets this year and he is just godlike on vocals! Saw them play 8 years ago. He's not lost his touch. His voice still thrills.
Rob from Labyrinth...soaring! He handles both low end of the range just as well and masterfully as he does on the nad grabbing upper end.

Also...Tom Phillips from While Heaven Wept. I think he's highly underrated.