For me, the best the best vocalists of the fest were....

And you cannot use the Sound-Guy excuse, cuz when he sang softly and up close, the mic's trim and level controls were just fine for Andy.

Yes, it was annoying as hell, but of *course* you use that "excuse," simply because that's the Sound Guy's job. As someone else said, it may have sounded fine in Andy's monitors...he can't really hear what we're hearing out in the crowd.

However, the Sound Guy can, so should have noticed it and adjusted things accordingly. He didn't.

I'm sure that Andy doing that made it harder for him, but still....that's his job.
I don't disagree with anybody, but I was the most impressed (probably because I wasn't expecting a performance of that level) by the guy from Dark Water. That guy sounded incredible. His voice had power, was clean as hell, and sounded as good as some voices sound on CD. He impressed the hell out of me.

I was not the only person who thought his vocals were powerful, clean, and appeared effortless. Dude simply has a beautiful voice. That was constant theme in conversations about singers this weekend. "Chity rules! Warrel Rocks! Danny is a showman!.... Ooooh, but that guy from Darkwater - how does he SOUND that GOOD?!?!"
I was also very disappointed with this. As much as I love Andy's voice, it was a shame not to be able to hear him most of the time.

Yes, I talked to many folks who were commenting about this. There was some speculation that he was having voice issues, but since he was *spot on* at the acoustic set on Saturday, I don't think that was it.

The overall sound just wasn't as good for VP's Thursday night show as it was for the rest of the festival. The Saturday acoustic set more than made up for it, though...too bad y'all missed it!
I have seen Andy a number of times in other places and that has always been his style. Never before did I hear him cut in and out. Can only think maybe it was the mike? Either way, I thoroughly enjoyed his performance. Sorry not everyone did.
I have seen Andy a number of times in other places and that has always been his style. Never before did I hear him cut in and out. Can only think maybe it was the mike? Either way, I thoroughly enjoyed his performance. Sorry not everyone did.

Rick suggested after the show that Andy might not have been able to hear what was going on. My guess is what was working for him in soundcheck wasn't working when they went live. In any case, he didn't have a problem at the acoustic show.

As for "pulling back", many vocalists do this. Andy isn't the first I've seen.
Bryan, I disagree with you here. Andy has an intense voice that probably requires that he pulls back further than most. The sound guy needed to figure that shit out because, yes, it was hard to hear him. I think part of it was the mic because I was painfully distracted by this same thing during Evergrey and you can't tell me Tom was pulling away too much, he just stood there. Thursday night's sound was just off to me and I was delighted to see that it improved dramatically for Fri and Sat. I tried getting a good look at the mics both Thurs and Fri to see if I could tell whether or not they swapped them out. I wasn't able to distinguish it, but I have a feeling they did. Anyway... I don't fault Andy for one goddamn thing this entire weekend. That man is a true professional and a huge talent who performed incredibly. Who knows where the issue really started.
Bryan, I disagree with you here. Andy has an intense voice that probably requires that he pulls back further than most. The sound guy needed to figure that shit out because, yes, it was hard to hear him. I think part of it was the mic because I was painfully distracted by this same thing during Evergrey and you can't tell me Tom was pulling away too much, he just stood there. Thursday night's sound was just off to me and I was delighted to see that it improved dramatically for Fri and Sat. I tried getting a good look at the mics both Thurs and Fri to see if I could tell whether or not they swapped them out. I wasn't able to distinguish it, but I have a feeling they did. Anyway... I don't fault Andy for one goddamn thing this entire weekend. That man is a true professional and a huge talent who performed incredibly. Who knows where the issue really started.

More intense than Roberto from Labyrinth? He was BLASTING at his mic, and I heard every single note he sang. Shit, people at Vespucci's getting pizza could hear him singing.

Roberto pulled back maybe 8 inches or so. Andy pulled his to arm's reach. It is unneccessary to do that.

I heard Tom Englund's voice through their entire set. No problem.

Andy's I couldn't.

I even went up to the left corner of the stage, to see if I could hear his voice in the monitor mix. Nope. Couldn't hear it there.

Yes, Andy is a true professional. But he is human, and is capable of flaws just like every other human on that stage that sang their asses off but COULD be heard. Yes, Andy performed incredibly, but I couldn't tell.

Of course, a singer's voice is always loudest in his own head. But in-ear monitors competing with his own voice reverberating in his head means he cannot tell that his pulling away that far was TOO far, because it overcompensated.

Only way to know the truth, is to ask the man.
Definitely ROBERTO TIRANTI!!!!!!! He was amazing and flawless!! I'm in no way disrespecting any other bands that were there. I enjoyed other bands that played as well. But Labyrinth was my reason for going and I was not disappointed!! Seeing Labyrinth live and getting to hear the magic of Tiranti's voice was one of the best experiences of my life!! Roberto Tiranti is my favorite singer in the world!
...I never forget what i felt was my first time in U.S.and you were just AMAZING!!!!..... maybe the best audience I've ever had.
hope to see ya really soon guys.
roberto 'n' Labyrinth
ROBERTO!! I agree with Bryan316. I hope you guys make it back! You deserve a full US tour. Seeing you and Labyrinth was a dream come true for me too and I will never forget it either!! Thank YOU!!
I must say Einar of Leprous/Ihsahn. The pipes on that guy are fantastic. His improv on "On The Shores" just blew me out of the water. Like I've said a million times, that was the greatest 10 minutes of my life, in the greatest 90 minutes of my life.

Of course, Ihsahn's voice is like no other, and it was the most unique voice of the show. His off-the-wall growls are so different compared to the rest of black metal, I can never help but be amazed by it.

Warrel did a fantastic job as well, as did Russ, with recreating what lay dormant for +/- 20 years.

Also, CHITY AND ROB!!! I have never listened to either band before, but I am now a fan.
I sit corrected. Hard to pick them all out and no scorecard. however he's got a monster voice.
Tom Phillips played guitar and sang on all the WHW releases up until Vast Oceans... and he is a very, very good singer as well! :D Rain of course is a show-stopper. I'm a bit surprised that Tom Phillips doesn't sing any vocal harmonies live though. Unless he does and I've just been missing it
I would have to say that I was greatly impressed with the singers as a whole this year. I missed Ihsahn (personally not my thing) and Forbidden. Danny was a wonderful surprise (as was all of Voyager). I was most impressed with Warrell Dane. He was friggin great.
I would have to say that I was greatly impressed with the singers as a whole this year. I missed Ihsahn (personally not my thing) and Forbidden. Danny was a wonderful surprise (as was all of Voyager). I was most impressed with Warrell Dane. He was friggin great.

+1. This was definitely the year of the vocalist. Every one was spot on.
Rob Tiranti. Simply incredible! Some of the most impressive range and control I have ever heard. He has a voice that is outstanding and unique. The whole band was awesome. It would be a real shame if this is the only time ever that Labyrinth gets to perform in the States. What a talented band. Hopefully they will at least get invited back to Prog Power USA if they can't get on a actual US tour.