for Mikael!!!

Someone from Israel... nicknamed "sexualist death"... and it seems is a female... impressive. I think I'm not from this world.

|ngenius (Wondering all the time)

|ngenius (bis) (Not that tr00)
jaja, muy gracioso, tu te burlas de mi pobre persona y yo con ganas de asesinar al inventor de las computadoras, u ordenadores, como dicen los gachupas :devil:
|ng: well said, you have set a priceless milestone for this forum.

thanatos: yeah, very kind of you, you make fun of poor me and i ________ to kill the one who invented computers, or "ordenadores", like the __________ say.


@Rahve: The two words that left to fill the empty spaces are: "want" and "spanish people" ("gachupas" is a contemptuous way to refer to ppl who live in Spain, not spaniards)

|ngenius (And "ordenadores" means "computers") :cool:
@Thanatos: Amos pa'lla (er... in more understandable words... "Come on")

"The silent(citos) dwarves(citos) are (more) chupi(citos)"

Btw: The phrase was conceived in a clear mexican way, you can see it in the use of the verb:

"se ven más bonitos" ----> Mexican

"están más bonitos" ----> Coloquial spanish

|ngenius (The Official On-Line Translator)
ok, let me try it with the spaniard style

@rahvin: vosotros los enanos estais mas hermosos si cerrad vuestras fauces, coño!!!

too bad I was too lazy to use the mic, I could have made a cool gallego accent :p
¡Usted no es los únicos que saben hablar español aquí! ¡I poseerle todo con mis habilidades del español de la élite!
Well, the phrase wasn't exactly what the standard spanish citizen would express. (you know, the classic image of a spanish man, dressed like a bullfighter and wearing a mexican hat, dunno why...). "Hermoso" and "fauces" aren't included into a coloquial phrase, and "cerrad" is a wrong verb tense considering the situation. So, the bullfighter might say:

"Los jodidos enanos de las pelotas estáis más guapos sin abrir la bocaza"

(More or less, this phrase is merely didactic, no offence meant)

|ngenius (Spanish Teacher)
may I add that the bullfighter wears a beret instead of the mexican hat and has hairy a chest? :lol:

Estas cosas son divertidas de vez en cuando, lástima que no tengamos a un argentino por aquí, aunque si lo tuviéramos tal vez se echaría unos cuantos rounds con los "jodidos" hooligans o ingleses :loco:
Originally posted by Thanatos
may I add that the bullfighter wears a beret instead of the mexican hat and has hairy a chest? :lol:

Estas cosas son divertidas de vez en cuando, lástima que no tengamos a un argentino por aquí, aunque si lo tuviéramos tal vez se echaría unos cuantos rounds con los "jodidos" hooligans o ingleses :loco:
¿Usted tiene algo contra argentinos usted mejicano tonto?
Los argentinos no deben tener ya ni ordenadores, pobrecitos, con la crisis que están pasando. Por cierto, pasa del moscón molesto, q suelte paridas si quiere. :)

The beret isn't a wrong universal symbol like the mexican hat is. Several shops sell these kind of hats here, in Spain, in order to take benefit from ppl's ignorance.
