for Mikael!!!

Los argentinos no deben tener ya ni ordenadores, pobrecitos, con la crisis que están pasando. Por cierto, pasa del moscón molesto, q suelte paridas si quiere.
No es agradable reírse de ellos a la vez como esto : ( ¿Qué si iguales sucedieron a su país?
well jester, seems like wo both missed enough latino soap operas to forget the spanish we never had :lol:

|ngenius, "seems like a female"??? when was the last time you met a girl? i have a reason to belive she (?) might had some hair on her chin...(;) )
"and it seems is a female"
so maybe im femaie... who know?!!!!

by accident the whole page where the pic is opens, its the one next to the nick Borknagar)]thats me (if by accident the whole page where the pic is opens, its the one next to the nick Borknagar)[/URL]
i not trying to hide nothing, i proud in all the band's i hear...
my problem is the webcam, she do what she want only this the light sufficient for photograph...

but nice to entertain you baby..... :Saint:
@sexualist death: yes, i know you weren't, but you know i'm always making fun of metal music, especially black metal, because at my tired age i'm only amused if i mock the music i like on boards devoted to that same music. :muahaha:

@Sexu... you: I already saw that pic (notice the "edit" button below your posts and guess its purpose...). The fact is that I cannot assure if you're actually a female due to your strange physical appearance and the low definition of the pic. :p :grin:

Edit: I'm not that tr00 :cry:

|ngenius (who used to know what a girl is...)