For the fans of more Extreme Metal... a question?

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
Can you listen to nothing but Brutal Death and/or Extreme Black Metal all day long? Or do you need to take your foot off the gas pedal at some point, and slow it down for a bit?

Inquiring minds want to know.

General Zod said:
Can you listen to nothing but Brutal Death and/or Extreme Black Metal all day long? Or do you need to take your foot off the gas pedal at some point, and slow it down for a bit?

Inquiring minds want to know.


no fucking way ... i need some mellow stuff ... more often than extreme stuff
General Zod said:
Can you listen to nothing but Brutal Death and/or Extreme Black Metal all day long? Or do you need to take your foot off the gas pedal at some point, and slow it down for a bit?

Inquiring minds want to know.


My dicography includes no more than 20 pure or so black metal albums and not even 5 Death-metal albums. I guess I'm not concerned. My biggest thing is post-rock/hardcore and stuff that defies any classification.I'm keen on folk stuff , dark-ambient and original Doom-Metal . My top 10 of all-time has few extreme stuff. I think I don't belong to the more "extreme" at all in fact .

I can tolerate grindcore, tech. death, and other noisy shit all day. I suppose I don't find it as abraisive as most do. Although I must admit, I need my mellow stuff here and there.
Ellestin said:
People like this make me sad. Really. I don't think you'll find many of those on this board either, to the best of my knowledge...

Some days, all I want to listen to is stuff like Angel Corpse, Severed Savior, Severe Torture, 1349, Visceral Bleeding and Tsjuder. It's good music, and it doesn't tire me, so what's wrong with listening to nothing but "extreme" music if that's what tickles your fancy? I can also listen to punkrock, hardcore, ska, etc. exclusively for days if that's what I want to do. I seldom feel the need to listen to "soft" stuff just for the sake of variety.
I can listen to Death metal for about 2 min before my brain shoots intself.

Black and Thrash metal on the other hand =) =)
Ellestin said:
People like this make me sad. Really. I don't think you'll find many of those on this board either, to the best of my knowledge...

Why do these people make you sad? Metal is my love, music wise, so what's wrong with listening to it all day? Would you consider someone who only listens to classical all day as sad?

Metal is so vast, anyway. Doom, death, black, stoner, viking/folk/epic, industrial, sludge, grind, thrash, gothic, power, etc. There is too much metal I want to hear without venturing into others at the moment.

Besides, most of the non-metal stuff listened to around here bores me to tears. All that post rock baloney. :yuk:

Though I do venture in the -cores, and enjoy a lot of those bands.
Not really, unless I'm in just a horrible mood and even then I MUST be able to hear something with at least a touch of melody interspaced with the more extreme bands out there. Truth be told, the most extreme I can listen to over and over isn't really Emperor, Morbid Angel and the like. There are plenty of extreme harsh bands (death/thrash/viking/black) that toss in groove or melody that makes the extreme parts tolerable for extended periods. Carpathian Forest, The Crown, Moonsorrow, even Naglfar and many, many more.

If the "extremeness" is too straightforward without melody and catchiness, or even variation, then it's tough for me to listen to for extended periods of time.

For my understanding of what "Brutal" Death and "Extreme" Black metal is, the answer is no.
J. said:
Why do these people make you sad?

There's been a misunderstanding. I addressed Zod's question which clearly referred to people listening exclusively to brutal black/death stuff, and I think he meant not only "all day long", but 365/24/7.

Of course there's nothing wrong with spending 12 hours in a row into black metal or even goregrind for all I care. I do it myself quite often, since my musical consumption is pretty much based on cycles.

But I do meet and hear of guys whose collection consists of "raw" BM stuff exclusively and, yes, they make me sad because they (at least most of them I know) are addicted to stereotypes and not to music in the first place. As for those whose sphere of tastes is genuinely delimitated by black metal only, fair enough, but they're missing something, are they not? By the way I think the same of people who refuse to open themselves to anything beyond classical music.