A question for death metal fans...

I don't like most death metal, I like Bloodbath, The Crown, Hypocrisy. If you classify those as death metal. I am not good at putting music in catagories, I just like what I like and don't pay attention to if it's black, death, etc.
I agree.. music has no boundaries.. its a language and anything can be said in any way to trigger emotion.
the only music I don't like is emotionless music. fullstop.
now I've been into metal since the 80s.. and I've been going to raves for a solid 7 years now.
Most 'image whores' that are into the metal culture cringe at tek hybrids... but me being me, I notice the beautiful and complex structures of the music, the emotion it triggers... the way its built up and then torn down, and the places it could go but it doesn't.
the same with classical music.
I also don't condone music made for and sold out to money. Thats a true prostitution of the art and a disgrace... naming a few bitchney speared, sliced girls, Backstreet hoes, and N'suk..
that is a total disgrace.
I do recognise that they may trigger some emotion with certian melodies, but thats all there in the name of the all mighty dollar.

I also am very inspired and enjoy weird ass noises that i hear from the streets. I sample them, filter them, distort the absolute shit out of them and use them in my music.
I also REALLY love ambient music apart from the apparent black/grinding/death music. It can really take you to other worlds when you're in relax mode... turn off the switch and fly........

also i'd like to add that I hate people that think that because people are new to a band or certain kind of muic that they are posers, etc.
That is utter shite. As long as they understand what the music is about and the beauty of it does it really matter? Someone older than them could be just as closed minded as them and put them down cause they didn't listen to metal in 70s for fucks sake!
Same as for people that might dress 'normal' or in FADidASS clothes. Now those clothes might suck, but its the person inside that counts. I always try to explore and test the persons soul before I judge them by their clothes... anyway just listen to the sound of that rolling off your lips 'judging by your clothes'... its stupid.

I want you to all know that I respect you all for acknowlidging such beauty in Opeths expressions.. I know you wont be blind to other such beauties so I raise my blood chalice to you.. CHEERS!
First of all, I think "resentment" is a strong word to use against anyone just because they listen to a different kind of music than you. As far as Death Metal, I'ts my favorite kind of music. But yes, I definately love to make fun of other music styles that I don't like. I have a lot of good friends that I have known a long time, and only one of them listens to metal. I mean come on, my girlfriend is a grown woman (by age) & her favorite "group" is the Backstreet Boys...I obviously don't resent her. But, there are ignorant assholes in every race or creed, so you can't put much of a label on anything, really.
Not everybody just wakes up one morning and has an instant affinity for 'cookie monster on the mic' I myself started listening to bands like Megadeth and Suicidal Tendencies, and just evolved into prefering stuff like Carcass and Entombed. If people who haven't really been into the genre before pick up an Opeth cd and get into it, I think that's great.
It's more annoying when somebody in a Garth Brooks t-shirt says to you, 'yeah, I like a bit of metal'...and then he tells you how heavy Re-Load is. Or people who still associate metal with big-hair and lipstick. (a problem here in Japan) (and if BurzumBeast will forgive me for saying this, As much as I like a bit of black metal everynow and then, All the make-up and costumes don't do much for me.)
It is limiting to be overly purist...and outside influences are what makes the genre grow. As Autumn Rust said, the artists whose motivation has been corrupted by greed are the greatest offense.
titney spheres - when it comes to music, this chick has great tits

I think the rest has been covered pretty well.
Nay, I have absolutely nothing against people who don't listen to death/black/whatever metal much.

What I don't like is people who listen to a certain kind of music and dislike everyone who doesn't like the same kind of music. I also resent people who judge another by his musical tendencies. Hmph.

I'm open to all kinds of music: metal, rock, pop, trance, classical, folk, and stuff like Vangelis, Enya and Enigma (what genre is that?). Oh yeah, I've actually heard a few good rap songs :eek: but anyway, metal is the main thing for me.
that genre (Enya/Enigma etc) is ambient/mood music. I love it it rocks if a different way.

Black Moon Dance by Enigma is really cool I think.

LOL @ Protocol... haven't heard that one yet man.. he he he
Awc'mon :)

I couldn't care less if one is not into death metal. I'm not! I'm into good music, and some of good music happens to be death metal. And more like a crossover-person anyway. I think it's cool that music's experimental and comines many styles. But it has to be done well, of course.

Take Mr Bungle for example: Turkish (I think) folk, or maybe pop, attached to metal, 60's rock with deathmetal, progressive tango, ganstermovie chasemusic with something like rockabilly and Danny Elfman-moments (Well,this is how I see it) Just any fucking thing you can imagine.

Or Faith No More. After some sick screaming it's time for bossa nova! YEAH!

That's lunacy. I love it :loco:
Actually, I tend to rarely listen to "pure" genre music of any kind... I tend to find it boring, especially when it comes to death metal. Entombed and Morbid Angel never really interested me at all. Although most of my music falls within the big realm of metal, they all seem to fall into this category of "Oh, this is a cross between metal and (insert genre here)." Hence your Opeth, Therion, Nightwish, Amorphis, Pain, Ulver, etc.

Outside of metal, I'm very picky and at the same time not... it's strange. I pick wierd stuff from all corners of genres of music to covet, but other very similar artists, albums and songs I could care less for. I love Zeppelin and the Who, but don't really care for Cream or the Stones. I like a lot of old CCR songs, but get annoyed by the Eagles. I like the Fastball's "All the Pain Money Can Buy" record (TOTALLY commercial pop music) ... but find similar pop bands annoying. I enjoyed Pearl Jam and STP but never really liked Nirvana. I like Great Big Sea but would never listen to any other Canadian folk act. I think Nick Drake's Pink Moon album is great, don't care for his other ones at all. I like the first Enigma record (this one had to get drilled into my head mostly against my will, heh.), find the other ones boring. Orff's O Fortuna is really cool as is Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries ("Kill the wabbit, kill the wabbit..."). I like Wierd Al's polka songs. The old Soviet National Anthem was great. The Beatles rule. Simon and Garfunkel's "The Sound of Silence"? Sweeet.

(And then the ULTIMATE in genre defying) I love Frank Zappa's Rock/Pop/Jazz/Satire/Classical/Spoken Word/Sea Shanties/Blues/Big Band/Odd Noises/Just plain undescribable stuff from the 60's and 70's... but can't stand his 80's stuff.

To be honest, I think that hearing new music, that viewing any art or even crap commercial entertainment can't hurt. The more influences you have to draw on, the more creative and original you can be. Stealing from one is plagarism. Stealing from many is research.

Finally (to expand on a thought above), discerning between art and entertainment is important. It's the primary difference between say, Opeth, and, say Titney Spheres. Opeth is Art. Spheres is entertainment. They're both technically music, but exist on two wholly spereate planes. Same thing with anything else. Movies: Schindler's List is art. Pearl Harbour is entertainment.

I wrote a lot. Thank you for your time.