For those interested in DOOM

If you want it, I'd get it sooner rather than later. I'm not sure how many copies were pressed.

I was going to purchase this 30 minutes ago from Evil Legends but found his whole setup confusing. For one he says he has 125 copies of the "die hard" release in stock. One line later it states all Die Hard copies are now out of stock. I could care less about Die Hard, John McClaine, or my flaccid phallus. What I need to know is if the regular copy is in stock. Is that too much to ask?!!? Fuck shit fart splhunk spurt!!!

I ordered mine from him and he said he had "a couple left" of the regular versions. Note how the website makes it look like all versions are out of stock.

With shipping, it cost $17.75 (the regular version).

And yeah, he's got to improve that listing, or at least put it in a table format or something. In any case, you've got to e-mail him first before you can order. He'll sell you anything you want provided you know the secret handshake and password.
Also, Evil Legend Records is soon to become Shadow Kingdom Records, I believe, complete with new website, shopping cart feature, and all kinds of other nifty tricks.
Miskatonic website 'aint all that grand either. Every single release is "out of print" yet they have an ordering section. Or maybe that's the reason why they're out of print. :loco: But anyway, the new Warning isn't even listed.

Also, is this Walker dude in Warning any relation to the Rich Walker?
Miskatonic website 'aint all that grand either. Every single release is "out of print" yet they have an ordering section. Or maybe that's the reason why they're out of print. :loco: But anyway, the new Warning isn't even listed.

Also, is this Walker dude in Warning any relation to the Rich Walker?


he's also an actor, before any of this...i feel he really portrayed them abilities with this rtelease.
Hey Fagcifer,
I'm thinking of picking up Revelation's Frozen Masque comp and wondered if you'd recommend dropping about 28usd on it or whether i should look harder
Where did you read about the Warning/GoS tour Keeley?

I'm DEFINITELY going to make sure I catch them next time they play here. I knew about the one swizzle mentioned, that's not until much later in the year though.