For those of you who go to Prog-Power!!! READ THIS!


Henri Serton
Staff member
Aug 31, 2001
Eindhoven; Rockcity!
Come on now!! Don't even *think* about telling me there's no internet pubs in Atlanta! :err:

Sooooo.... I want day to day reports about what happening from everyone attending. Thats goes specially for JD, Kittybeast and Savaron. You can work shifts if you want to as long as you keep the rest of us up to date. :)

So report in you lads and lasses!! Amd tel me who is going next week! :D

O and have fun!!!!!!!! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: but don't forget us. :wave:
will do the best I can...maybe I can even figure out that damn internet thing on my phone!! hahhaah I will do my best to get a second copy of the PP cd for you...and anyone else please try to get an extra cd for Hawk! I have some things to send him and would like to include a PP cd. :D
kittybeast said:
will do the best I can...maybe I can even figure out that damn internet thing on my phone!! hahhaah I will do my best to get a second copy of the PP cd for you...and anyone else please try to get an extra cd for Hawk! I have some things to send him and would like to include a PP cd. :D

Thanks Kittybeast! With his best James Cagney accent: "You're a doll!!" :wave:
kittybeast said:
will do the best I can...maybe I can even figure out that damn internet thing on my phone!! hahhaah I will do my best to get a second copy of the PP cd for you...and anyone else please try to get an extra cd for Hawk! I have some things to send him and would like to include a PP cd. :D

Thanks Kittybeast! With his best James Cagney accent: "You're a doll!!" :wave:
I'll be there. I'm getting a little too excited already. It's my one real vacation for the year and I plan on relaxing and enjoying it.

There's one other thing. Orphaned Land is releasing a 10" LP of Arrarat during the weekend. I'm not sure if it will be available otherwise. I'm pretty sure it will but if'n some serious vinyl collectors wanted one I'm sure something could be worked out.
Hawk said:
Sooooo.... I want day to day reports about what happening from everyone attending. Thats goes specially for JD, Kittybeast and Savaron. You can work shifts if you want to as long as you keep the rest of us up to date. :)

Ermmmm, you forgot Bryant !!!! But he'll probably will be too busy talking to everyone :D
Wheezer said:
I'll be there. I'm getting a little too excited already. It's my one real vacation for the year and I plan on relaxing and enjoying it.

There's one other thing. Orphaned Land is releasing a 10" LP of Arrarat during the weekend. I'm not sure if it will be available otherwise. I'm pretty sure it will but if'n some serious vinyl collectors wanted one I'm sure something could be worked out.

Well, I hope you have a great time. And also take the time to report to us. Damn I wish I could go as well. Sounds like a nice UMOS gathering!

carnut said:
Ermmmm, you forgot Bryant !!!! But he'll probably will be too busy talking to everyone :D

I have not forgotten him. In fact I wanted ro send him a PM asking him how he has been. He has not been here for quite some time.
Hawk said:
Well, I hope you have a great time. And also take the time to report to us. Damn I wish I could go as well. Sounds like a nice UMOS gathering!

Thanks. It's really not too difficult to have fun there. :)

I really wish you could go too. I wish everyone in UMOS could go. That would be one helluva party. :kickass: :headbang:

Hawk said:
I have not forgotten him. In fact I wanted ro send him a PM asking him how he has been. He has not been here for quite some time.

I haven't seen him in the other two haunts on the net that I know he frequents either. He's far enough inland that Katrina shouldn't have bothered him much.
Wheezer said:
I really wish you could go too. I wish everyone in UMOS could go. That would be one helluva party. :kickass: :headbang:

Its going to be one hell of a party anyway!! I can just see you all having a BLAST!!

kittybeast said:
I spoke with him on Sunday he's doing allright last I heard. He posted recently in PP forum :D

Ok thats good to hear. I guess he is bored with UMOS for a while. That happens. :)
Hawk said:
Its going to be one hell of a party anyway!! I can just see you all having a BLAST!!

Shyeah! It's going to be a party all right. But still, it could be so much more... :D As far as seeing, I'll be taking a bunch of pics. Last year I took about 300 or so. This year should be more. Of course only about 75 turned out even halfway decent. :erk:

Hawk said:
Ok thats good to hear. I guess he is bored with UMOS for a while. That happens. :)

He posted in the Queensryche thread last night. I think it has more to do with having a new young one in the home than boredom.
Hawk said:
Come on now!! Don't even *think* about telling me there's no internet pubs in Atlanta! :err:

Sooooo.... I want day to day reports about what happening from everyone attending. Thats goes specially for JD, Kittybeast and Savaron. You can work shifts if you want to as long as you keep the rest of us up to date. :)

So report in you lads and lasses!! Amd tel me who is going next week! :D

O and have fun!!!!!!!! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: but don't forget us. :wave:

Will do my best to report in! I'm not sure as to what types of pubs are in Atlanta :loco: .... but it will no doubt be fun Between the Bands Playing and the Parties it should be a real barnburner hahaha
Wheezer said:
Shyeah! It's going to be a party all right. But still, it could be so much more... :D As far as seeing, I'll be taking a bunch of pics. Last year I took about 300 or so. This year should be more. Of course only about 75 turned out even halfway decent. :erk:

I have 2 disposable cameras from last year that I havnt gotten developed ... basiclly cause I am affraid the pics came out like shit hahaha but I dont know and I will prolly have 2 or 3 more once its all said and done :D
I don't think I will be able to check in from Atlanta. Between the concert and way to much drinking, I usually only have enough time to get up, shower, grab something to eat and head back to the venue. I will get some pics for sure and post. I still have some from last year somewhere. I'll try and post them later.

Hawk, do you have last years CD? I think I have an extra one stashed somewhere. Let me know and I will look for it.
SavaRon said:
I don't think I will be able to check in from Atlanta. Between the concert and way to much drinking, I usually only have enough time to get up, shower, grab something to eat and head back to the venue. I will get some pics for sure and post. I still have some from last year somewhere. I'll try and post them later.

Hawk, do you have last years CD? I think I have an extra one stashed somewhere. Let me know and I will look for it.

Nope I don't have last years cd. But I would like toi have it! :p
Thanks for the offer buddy! :D
JonnyD said:
I have 2 disposable cameras from last year that I havnt gotten developed ... basiclly cause I am affraid the pics came out like shit hahaha but I dont know and I will prolly have 2 or 3 more once its all said and done :D

That's where the digital comes in handy. I just shoot a ton of pictures and sort them out afterwards. The lighting for the shows sucks for taking pics and I'm never close enough for the flash to be effective. The Monday after will be spent going through pictures and getting them up on the net.