for those of you who think I am fake...ATTN:MR.TATTOO GUY!!!

tattooedsean666 said:
First off, No normal girl comes online especially on a band's messageboard and just screams "look at me, look at me." If it is you, cool, and if not, that is cool also. I could careless. I am not losing any sleep over this.

Well, there are so many studly men on this message board. Who can blame her? :Spin:
If I was a hot chick I sure as hell wouldn't be trying to prove that I'm a hot chick on Anthrax's message board.

I'd be trying to prove that I'm a hot chick on Audioslave's message board or something.
GregadetH said:
1. It's scary that you take the time to think up these comparisons.:grin:
After I heard that Anthrax might be releasing yet another Joey-era greatest hits collection later this year (still not sure if its a rumor or not), the comparison was only natural (and in hindsight, probably better than the Van Halen comparison that I posted back in April). I hate greatest hits albums. I hate bands that release greatest hits albums after two studio albums, or after a career of less than five years. I hate bands that release a second or third greatest hits album even when they've had no new hits since the last one was released (Motley Crue, anyone?). I hate greatest hits albums that include one new song, just to screw another $15-20 out of the longtime fans that already own all the other songs on the original albums. I think geatest hits albums have become more or less obsolete since the advent of a CD burner...I would much rather listen a collection of my own favorite songs from a band in the order of my choosing than a selection that the band/label has decided to release. About the only purpose a greatest hits album provides is for new fans of an old/retired/deceased/defunct band with an extensive catalog of songs. There should be a rule where a band is only allowed ONE greatest hits album ever, so they have to choose wisely as to when they should put it out.
2. Motley Corabi or Corabi Crue if you will, was the absolute bomb. Best Crue record ever.
No shit. One of the best albums that nobody has heard, after Thrax's Volume 8. And can you belive I picked it up in a bargain bin for $4 (Canadian dollars too, at the time, I think that was like 10 cents American :grin: )?
N.F.F. I bought my copy of that Crue record at Big Lots closeout store for 99 cents along with 'Sound of White Noise'. Then a few weeks later I got 'Return of the Killer A's' for the same price at Camelot music.

Bottom line, when people are selling your shit for less than it cost to print it..your 'Greatest Hits' days are far, far behind you.
Nikkida420 said:
yo crabmeat it wasn't for you anyways!!! and it wasn't for the internet it was for the tommy lee at the crue show...he brings out a camera after his drum solo and asks who wants to show him their rack.... the purpose was to show that mr. tattoo guy there is another picture of me since he thinks the other ones were can see what I am doin but can't really make it out details. tried to paste is here but can't cause I am now stoned or stupid...maybe both...I will try to put it my myspace thing...Yo BUDDY when r u playing in the area?? Love to check ya out... I see ya 'round a lot...

Don't know why I'm bothering to answer this. I really dont. Boredom at work I suppose.

But..... If it wasn't for me and the internet..... what's it doing on a public forum......... on the internet? Do see where I'm going with this?
Nikkida420 said:
I should have just sent tatsean a fuckin private message. it was posted for him.... you guys are the assholes who decided to take it upon yourselves to post shitty messages to me! If no one cares what the fuck I look like then why all the post askin to see the pix???? because your horny pigs that's why you keep comin to look at the thread....Oh yeah I am stuck on myself. the only reason this thing started is because someone took it upon themselves to say that my profile was fake...all i did was post sayin that there was another picture that was not me on a damn runway!! right everything on this board pertains to anthrax...OK!?!?? Just because I said I proud of my body does not mean that I am stuck on myself....Am I supposed to think I am a fuckin waste???? that's right most losers like yourself prefer women who have low self-esteem so that then can tolerate douches like yourself!!! If I thought I was fat or ugly that would be acceptable to you correct????obviously somebody cared about me because they made retarded comments about the validation of my profile.... AGAIN what kind of ass wipe makes a fake profile???? That was all I was trying to get across before you monkies decided to attack me with bull shit tryin to make me feel less of person because most of you will never be able to handle a young sucessful beatuiful woman...if you don't like what I was discussing don't read the fuckin thread there are a 1000 different topics you bored fuckers can read!!!!! OK step up!!! who's next to tell off someone that doesn't affect your life???????????

Did anyone else get really bored half way through this post?
So who do you like better belladonna or bush??? :tickled: