for those of you who think I am fake...ATTN:MR.TATTOO GUY!!!

nothing has been proven to me, it is just simple fact that 98% of myspace profiles with stereotypical "hot" looking girls is fake. Until I see actual home pics of someone with their pet dog named goober or spot, I am not going to believe it.

Who would get so upset from little old me not believing them??:Smug: Put your anger and focus into your superstar modeling career.:loco:

Oh I forgot. I apologize to this whole board. I have been deceiving you all. I am not who I really am. I am really ...........................................................................Fabio and it REALLY does taste like butter.:hypno:
GregadetH said:
The bottom line is that you like Motley Crue, and I cannot condone such behavior.
Motley Crue...a band that ditches their singer in the early 90's for a better singer named John. The album with John sounds very different from their previous work, and even though its probably their best album, they lose a lot of fans and record sales. Eventually, they reunite with their former singer and become the punchline of many jokes in the metal community, while releasing their third "greatest hits" compilation in 15 years.

Hmmmmm...does the story sound familiar? Except when their newest greatest hits compilation (reportedly with no tracks from the John era...some greatest hits) comes out later this summer, it will be Anthrax's fourth in 15 years.

tattooedsean666 said:
Oh I forgot. I apologize to this whole board. I have been deceiving you all. I am not who I really am. I am really ...........................................................................Fabio and it REALLY does taste like butter.:hypno:

LMAO! I knew that hair was a wig!
it is just simple fact that 98% of myspace profiles with stereotypical "hot" looking girls is fake.
damn ,another fantasy goes up in smoke . i must be a stereotypical guy cause some of them bitches is hot !
tattooedsean666 said:
Oh I forgot. I apologize to this whole board. I have been deceiving you all. I am not who I really am. I am really ...........................................................................Fabio and it REALLY does taste like butter.:hypno:

I didn't know Fabio had so many tattoos and is a metal head. Man the things you can do with a little makeup and airbrushing these days. :grin: your heart out mofo... i just went to a wedding and I will be happy to post pix from the event on my myspace for you satisfaction. are pictures with my sister ok or should I post sum with my dude on there??? which one is more believeable??? maybe I should take a naked one covering myself with "I can't believe it's not butter". Why on FUCKIN earth would I take the time and take some chicks pictures and pretend that it's me?? Is it because I did not use a cheap ass webcam?? Maybe I like to show pictures of myself done up by a make-up artist and with edgy cloths walkin on a runway...You are proud of your tats, I am proud of my body. say what you will about the crue they are way more "Well off" than all of you.
nafnikufesin said:
Motley Crue...a band that ditches their singer in the early 90's for a better singer named John. The album with John sounds very different from their previous work, and even though its probably their best album, they lose a lot of fans and record sales. Eventually, they reunite with their former singer and become the punchline of many jokes in the metal community, while releasing their third "greatest hits" compilation in 15 years.

Hmmmmm...does the story sound familiar? Except when their newest greatest hits compilation (reportedly with no tracks from the John era...some greatest hits) comes out later this summer, it will be Anthrax's fourth in 15 years.


1. It's scary that you take the time to think up these comparisons.:grin:
2. Motley Corabi or Corabi Crue if you will, was the absolute bomb. Best Crue record ever.
Nikkida420 said: your heart out mofo... i just went to a wedding and I will be happy to post pix from the event on my myspace for you satisfaction. are pictures with my sister ok or should I post sum with my dude on there??? which one is more believeable??? maybe I should take a naked one covering myself with "I can't believe it's not butter". Why on FUCKIN earth would I take the time and take some chicks pictures and pretend that it's me?? Is it because I did not use a cheap ass webcam?? Maybe I like to show pictures of myself done up by a make-up artist and with edgy cloths walkin on a runway...You are proud of your tats, I am proud of my body. say what you will about the crue they are way more "Well off" than all of you.

You are the one who assumes too much yet knows too little. No one gives a flying fuck what you look like, how big your teots are, if your ink is real, if your a model, a housemom or a goddamn Iindiana state legislature representative. Your here b/c you like Anthrax, so are we. That's all that should matter.

What does not matter is what I think, tatooedSean thinks, thraxx thinks, Scott Ian thinks, my left nut thinks or what the ever lovin' blue eyed THING thinks.

So get the hell over yourself already. The long and the short of it is this - this is the goddamned, fuckin' internet and for all we know you're a 58 year old virgin male living in moms basement. But we don't care!
GregadetH said:
You are the one who assumes too much yet knows too little. No one gives a flying fuck what you look like, how big your teots are, if your ink is real, if your a model, a housemom or a goddamn Iindiana state legislature representative. Your here b/c you like Anthrax, so are we. That's all that should matter.

What does not matter is what I think, tatooedSean thinks, thraxx thinks, Scott Ian thinks, my left nut thinks or what the ever lovin' blue eyed THING thinks.

So get the hell over yourself already. The long and the short of it is this - this is the goddamned, fuckin' internet and for all we know you're a 58 year old virgin male living in moms basement. But we don't care!
:worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:
Nikkida!!!:loco: :loco: :loco: I am with you Gregadeth this thread has gotten way to ridiculous
I should have just sent tatsean a fuckin private message. it was posted for him.... you guys are the assholes who decided to take it upon yourselves to post shitty messages to me! If no one cares what the fuck I look like then why all the post askin to see the pix???? because your horny pigs that's why you keep comin to look at the thread....Oh yeah I am stuck on myself. the only reason this thing started is because someone took it upon themselves to say that my profile was fake...all i did was post sayin that there was another picture that was not me on a damn runway!! right everything on this board pertains to anthrax...OK!?!?? Just because I said I proud of my body does not mean that I am stuck on myself....Am I supposed to think I am a fuckin waste???? that's right most losers like yourself prefer women who have low self-esteem so that then can tolerate douches like yourself!!! If I thought I was fat or ugly that would be acceptable to you correct????obviously somebody cared about me because they made retarded comments about the validation of my profile.... AGAIN what kind of ass wipe makes a fake profile???? That was all I was trying to get across before you monkies decided to attack me with bull shit tryin to make me feel less of person because most of you will never be able to handle a young sucessful beatuiful woman...if you don't like what I was discussing don't read the fuckin thread there are a 1000 different topics you bored fuckers can read!!!!! OK step up!!! who's next to tell off someone that doesn't affect your life???????????
Nikkida420 said: your heart out mofo... i just went to a wedding and I will be happy to post pix from the event on my myspace for you satisfaction. are pictures with my sister ok or should I post sum with my dude on there??? which one is more believeable??? maybe I should take a naked one covering myself with "I can't believe it's not butter". Why on FUCKIN earth would I take the time and take some chicks pictures and pretend that it's me?? Is it because I did not use a cheap ass webcam?? Maybe I like to show pictures of myself done up by a make-up artist and with edgy cloths walkin on a runway...You are proud of your tats, I am proud of my body. say what you will about the crue they are way more "Well off" than all of you.

Sean has a point about people faking their myspace profiles. I've seen pictures from FHM magazine on there of a girl claiming to be a model, but not that particular model's name. But I am staying out of this argument.
oh lord, one has to be in HUGE denial land if they don't realize that so many of the profiles on myspace are fake. Heck, I had a 2nd one going for awhile that had me as a ninja for god's sake. :loco: It is like that movie where two guys are chatting online talking all dirty but they think it is a girl on the other computer.

First off, No normal girl comes online especially on a band's messageboard and just screams "look at me, look at me." If it is you, cool, and if not, that is cool also. I could careless. I am not losing any sleep over this.

I actually find it funny that I, of all people, have someone so riled up. I am usually the one mello person staying out of all the trash talking on all the messageboards that I reside on.