For those that download music

You see, the problem here is not what she said or done. It´s how the rules are written and how the guys works. The way it is, if RIAA decides to sue YOU today, they don´t need to prove anything. Just say: "You steal from me. Give me all your money you will ever make". And the "law" will be with them.

That is the ultimate in bullshit.

Seriously, it amazes me how many dudes on Fooking music related forums talk about getting the latest torrent of a band's new album.

ANY musician (let alone anyone in general) who illegally DL's music is a fucking moron, end of story. Aside from the legal ramifications, the outright disrespect for the craft, as well as artists/musicians in general, is astounding.

And, the audacity to claim that since *some* (but definitely not most) of these artists can AFFORD to take the hit from illegal DL'ing? C'mon! That could be YOUR FUCKING BAND!
Is it? Did you really read the whole thread and the linked pages or I will have to quote again the same sentences? I´m not saying that I THINK that they can do this, I know it. And actually, they do.
so something is on a web-page and that makes it true?? and you KNOW something do you?? well what band are you in and what labels have you ever been on and/or where are you giving your music away? And if are you're giving your music away, do enlighten us on how it's "working out" for your band on any kind of business level.... if you can't answer any of those questions and just think you know something because you read some partisan shit from a so-called "industry smarty-pants" then shut up please. yes, it's obvious that the Radioheads of the world can pull it off (and that unknown bands should give their music away to hopefully get some attention) but we are talking about the average new band trying to get "make it"..... either you go for a deal or you don't, and if you go for a deal you are BORROWING MONEY to make a recording and it is basically a VENTURE CAPITAL INVESTMENT... which means the label puts up the money for you to record a great album (hopefully) and then it SELLS and earns back the investment and profit... the profit goes to keep the label afloat and pay out any due royalties... and then to fund the NEXT ALBUM... it's that simple... if you want to give your music away that is your choice... it's everybody's choice that has PAID FOR THEIR OWN PRODUCTION to do that. But taking that as the basis of a new "business model"?? i challenge you, all who buy into that BS, to go on the "bleeding edge of change" and never shop for a label and turn down any offers that come your way... all of you... just record yourselves then give it away free.... put up or shut up, basically. go ahead... change the world.

NOW PISS OFF..... everyone.. this thread has run it's course and is SPINNING IN CIRCLES.

jeeeezuz titty-fkn'-Xst.

Damn, YOU are talking about how the music industry put food on the table of many people selling CDs. I am saying that RIAA operates based on absurds laws that they come of right from their arses. You can do a search, what kind of business allows a company to hack you computer, destroy anything they want and sue you without have to prove anything? Only the war industry, that is ruled by pretty much the same type of idiots.

I am not talking SHIT about how musicians make a living, I am talking about the BAG OF SHIT that RIAA is. You are talking about royalties and I am talking about extortion. I am not going OT, because the news on the first post talks about it. You are trying to make RIAA fair just because there is a market out there and people are living from it. It´s like saying that because there are mean terrorists in the world, the London police was in the right to shoot Jean Charles on the head on that subway station.

BTW, my only close friends that owns labels are from Overload Records and PC. Pretty small ones, but that doesn´t change anything.

If you don´t want to discuss their methods, that´s ok. You can do like Britney Spears on Michael Moore´s Farenheit and chew a gun while saying that we just have to trust our president and support him on every decision he takes while the government busts everyone with a dark skin and a beard.

Again, I´m not against music, I´m not against labels, I´m against RIAA. Most musicians I know can make a living without RIAA, most labels out there don´t need extortion to put food on their table. How many musicians will touch the paychecks of that woman anyway? Musicians will get an email saying "so, here´s your share of what we got from single moms, kids and dead people"?
I find it hard to believe anything is expensive in China, though relative to other things I guess it could be...
Damn, YOU are talking about how the music industry put food on the table of many people selling CDs. I am saying that RIAA operates based on absurds laws that they come of right from their arses. You can do a search, what kind of business allows a company to hack you computer, destroy anything they want and sue you without have to prove anything? Only the war industry, that is ruled by pretty much the same type of idiots.

I am not talking SHIT about how musicians make a living, I am talking about the BAG OF SHIT that RIAA is. You are talking about royalties and I am talking about extortion. I am not going OT, because the news on the first post talks about it. You are trying to make RIAA fair just because there is a market out there and people are living from it. It´s like saying that because there are mean terrorists in the world, the London police was in the right to shoot Jean Charles on the head on that subway station.

BTW, my only close friends that owns labels are from Overload Records and PC. Pretty small ones, but that doesn´t change anything.

If you don´t want to discuss their methods, that´s ok. You can do like Britney Spears on Michael Moore´s Farenheit and chew a gun while saying that we just have to trust our president and support him on every decision he takes while the government busts everyone with a dark skin and a beard.

Again, I´m not against music, I´m not against labels, I´m against RIAA. Most musicians I know can make a living without RIAA, most labels out there don´t need extortion to put food on their table. How many musicians will touch the paychecks of that woman anyway? Musicians will get an email saying "so, here´s your share of what we got from single moms, kids and dead people"?
see below

I hear that beans are getting pretty expensive in China.
What are everyone's thoughts on that?
well, i think they should just steal the beans they need... and when the Chinese police start arresting and punishing them for stealing beans the world can cry out on their behalf, because Chinese Police suck.... in fact, i hear a rumor that they are actually... and keep this very hush-hush.... communists. :zombie:

lighten up... this subject is played out.
I think you all people are sucking record companies coz they want you to think that they are the only ones who can give you a dime.
How much money they get from people and how much you receive... ohhh old story...
I think that the prices of CDs, Concert Tickets, etc was always high... Thats why the few bands you see on TV makes a lot of money
in other words with your money. Its not a matter of amounts but a matter of prices managment..

The 3/4 of the world never gonna buy a record (THATS A FACT LIVE WITH THAT) coz the prices are stupid and cannot afford them.. Do you think People download music ilegaly since internet ? or you are so naive people.... and I dont recall to hear companies before internet complainig about piracy. Ohh yeah thats because they still earn more money that they should make...well thats the business deal..

Do you ever tried to sell your stuff by yourself on internet, making your own propaganda, etc.. ohh yeah I know its a total failure coz the prices are higher than ever.... Well who do you think manage the shit, who makes the prices of TV, Radio, Big Recording Studios.

I mean Record companies always "steal" money... and now start waining coz they dont earn the same money they used to.
They should cutt off prices..
ok how can anybody here support downloading the metal genre is small enough without u stealing their profits. and this isnt just about the artists or the labels, if the label doesnt make much money on an album they cut the ammount of money they supply to the artist for the recording of the next album, so prices are cut for producers and enigineers, then the band doesnt make enough money so they cut what they pay out to stage hands, its a vicous fukin cycle that is only gona result in the only music you ever get to hear is local shit that sounds fuckin horible because the whole experience of writing, recording and performing music is such a shit pile that nobody realy has the passion to do it anymore. like it was stated earlier nobody downloads a few songs and then goes and buys the album. If your gona say that then actually do it.

Alright i may be guilty of making cd copies of my music but thats only because for 8 years me and my brother put our money together to buy cds and shared them all, and i wasnt about to go out and buy new copies of each when he moved out that would be fukin insane, but man fukin limit it...

the only people i hat more than downloaders are downloaders that go to the bands shows but wont buy their album, if i was much stronger i would knock each fucker out who tried it, I think that what should be done is have codes in the cd sleaves that have to be entered on the ticket sites in order to buy a ticket.
ha ha... yeah, people usually shit when when they see my CD and Vinyl collections... and yeah, quality is a key issue for me. i have an iPod but listen to the actual CD or Vinyl at home.

Never would have expected you to be into sound quality :lol:

The tape trading argument is weak, because back in the day when it was big there was no internet to hear bands and back then most of the record stores(I am dating myself now) didnt have many metal albums to choose from, they might have Metallica or Anthrax but that was generally it, and tape trading solved that problem of hearing new and harder stuff. I remember scouring the back of I think Metal Maniacs or Aardshok America for fellow tape traders and thats how I(and my friends) got to hear new bands like Flotsam and Jetsam or Vio-lence. And yes some people do download and then buy-I might hear about a band and download a song that someone said was good, and if it is then yes I will buy the album, but as you said its mostly theft now. Personally I like getting a legit cd, I like to check out the artwork, liner notes, etc it just adds to the experience
The 3/4 of the world never gonna buy a record (THATS A FACT LIVE WITH THAT) coz the prices are stupid and cannot afford them.. Do you think People download music ilegaly since internet ? or you are so naive people.... and I dont recall to hear companies before internet complainig about piracy. Ohh yeah thats because they still earn more money that they should make...well thats the business deal..

Piracy has always been around in one shape or another, dont know how old you are but you used to beable to goto "mom and pop" record stores and get all kinds of pirated stuff-usually oncolored vinyl, it was mostly live performances and b-sides but it still existed non the less. And yes record companies make a big profit on their recordings, they always have, nothing new there, but without those companies most metal bands would never be heard, sure nowadays a band can make a decent recording and post it on myspace but they arent going to get the promotion that a label can provide-whether its the ads you see in magazines, showcase gigs, videos, etc.