For those with the DVD : REVIEWS??

Wing of God

Anathema Junkie
Nov 18, 2004
Cmon you stingy bastards. Lets here about this DVD. Please offer some reviews for the people who are less fortunate and have to wait another 5 months.
The only thing I can say is that this DVD passed through my hands. In other words, my girlfriend bought it for Christmas present, but was able to wrap it up before I could watch through it properly. I browsed it for some time, however, and can say that it's been worth the wait. The main feature - the gig in Poland - doesn't have very deep "live-feeling", but as I haven't seen Anathema live myself, I'm drooling over the tv screen hearing those great songs played in front of my eyes. The bonus material is slightly disappointing, in other words, insufficient for many Anathemaniacs. And I guess many of us will miss the Alt4 songs. The songs w/ the string quartet are absolutely fantastic, however. Compared to other somewhat similar DVDs, this is one of the best nonetheless. I mean, the Opeth dvd, for example, isn't as good as this one, IMO. So here's one very short review for you, I'll write more when I get my hands on it the next time. Cheers!
I enjoyed the dvd really. Obviously, I believe it impossible to capture the live emotion into a dvd, but I think the overall quality and performance of the group at Krakow does justice to the band. I think for both people who have never and have seen Anathema live, it's a must have dvd, in addition to having the opportunity to witness unique concerts like the Liverpool performance with the string quartet. So whenever you start wanting Anathema to come to your home town, you can put that dvd in and enjoy. Nice one lads.