For when that time comes...


safe in the cornfields
Me and a buddy were having one of those 'breakfast pizza talks' this morning, and I brought up what i wanted done when that time finally comes when I take one too many shots one night. :p

I'm curious to hear some plans that youse all came up with.

I want, and have always wanted, a burial at sea. While I don't think it's legal to do the pirate or viking funeral anymore(as in the flaming boat or actually weighing down my corpse into the water), I think I can still have the ashes spread. Tho if I can have a pirate burial, I am SO getting a pirate burial. :D

However, I am hiring five of my most trusted colleagues to do this one for me. I want them divided into five parts, and some dumped into every major ocean.

Whoever just rows a boat off the Jersey shore and dumps them, is SO getting haunted afterward. :p :D But since I want it done for personal reasons, I am sure my buddies will come thru. I hope. ;)

ANy other ideas for your wishes? So far I'veheard from friends taxidermy, being set into stone, cryogenic freezing, and one friend wanted to be shot into space.

KNowing some of the folks here i'll hear a good one before the day is up :D
Id want a nice spot somewhere on a hill, with the sun on my gravestone and the rain to wash over me
Fuck it....if my Mom ever dies I'm jumping into the grave with her!!!No questions asked!.....Buried Alive!!:cry:
"when my time comes, i wanna die sleeping like my grandpa, not screaming desperate like the people on the bus he was driving"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D THAT is a good one. Cracked my friend up here also.

Yeah, im sure it will take awhile for all of us(im old but not THAT old :p), but its always interesting to talk about. Especially with some of the things i heard people coming up with(the wax museum thing was interesting i heard once)
Scrap that...I want to be frozen and then defrosted when all mankind is gone (well let one goodlooking strong man it Henkka)...then I'll have the world to myself!:devil:
I'd prefer a sea burial, like the vikings. The flaming boat if possible. I dont' want a grave everybody visits. And i hope i won't get that old
Viking burial !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

.....unfortunately it's not allowed nowadays. I'm not 100%sure but i can't imagine it's legal anymore. and if it was, it would be way too expensive for my family to realise. otherwise same idea as you, tal. spread my ashes into the ocean! yay!
I've always wanted a viking/knight's burial, on a raft with wood and twigs and shit, then someone shoots a firey arrow at it and i burn while some trollish mofo's are playing some polka medley.
Or I'm gonna be burried on a creepy cemetary, and I'll have Mozart's Requiem played twice. And everybody has to sit it out for 2 hours.
If i were to commit suicide, i would blow off my head with a bigass motherfucking shotgun. No head, bloody gore. But I'm not gonna do that, so don't worry.
i always wanted to be enbalmed and scare little childrens and be made in to a walking robot to scare people.
Whatever my family wants to do with my body is fine with me... as long as there's more than 2 people at my burial/cremation/dump...
I saw this documentary in tv about some weird choices for a funeral, and there was this thing about a firm in the US called Eternal Reefs. They make reefs out of concrete/cement and they offer a service where they put people's ashes in the mix and make them into a reef. They also put a placque with the dead one's name and dates of birth and death. And then they take the reefs out to sea and sink them and fish will start living in them.

So I thought that was pretty cool and kinda now want that for myself too.