"When Frank comes Back....."

Pelvic Fury

A "just awesome" member
Mar 3, 2004
South East PA
Ok - So I know a billion posts have probably already been made about this, but I am lazy. Did you guys catch the "when Frank comes back" comment on those JB audio interviews? I think he actually said something to the effect of "It's not a question of IF, it is a question on WHEN." That sounds promising, right? No offense to Joey Vera (because he can certaintly hold his own on a bass - Horns up to him!), but I would love to see Bello back someday (sooner than later). He is greatly missed. Plus, what JB was saying about Frank never having another band makes perfect sense, that must suck to be in the same band for 20 years and never have another creative outlet. I'm half Frank's age, and I have been in several bands, so I guess that makes perfect sense that he just needed to chill with some other people for a while. Not that I blame him - I mean, come on, we are talking about Tempesta here! If Tempesta drummed for the Backstreet Boys, and he asked me to be the Bass player, I wouldn't even hesitate. Anyway, what do you all think about that quote? Think JB was leaking some news or was he just hoping for the best?
Yeah I certainly picked up on John's comments - he def sounded positive that it's only a matter of time before Frank returns.

Maybe that makes the Joey V situation make sense - he seems to have 1000 things on the go at once and I don know if he has the time to become a full Thrax member.
i would prefer to see Frank back in the band again.

the ONLY time I saw anthrax was this year, and i was looking forward to seeing bello on bass, but by that time he had already left. vera wasnt bad at all, im just saying i wanted to hear franks backing vocals and the whole 9 yards
Johns always been pretty positive when talking about Franks possible return, i remember an interview a wee while ago where he said he saw it as a temporary situation.
Gibba said:
Frankie is having a blast in Helmet though, so who knows?

He's having a blast in Helmet but I don't know how long that will last. I've read some really poor reviews about their recent release. And after the show I caught, I didn't really see great reactions from the crowd either. Most people walked away from the show dissappointed.