Forest Stream promo give away

Originally posted by rustymetal
You seem to know a lot about these people, SoNm, is there something you'd care to tell us??


Who do you mean? Pauls?:) Nope I have never seen 'em but you seem to be dying to get in touch with them?:grin:
Well... perhaps there are some internet sites wher you can find the detailed information but I am the wrong person to ask!:grin:
The only thing I can tell ya - BEWARE!! Hahaha!!!
Originally posted by Lee_B
The draw was made last night and the winners have now been notified.



I'd be happy to draw this game... at least!!! Amazing :( ! I lost my own CD to somebody I even do not know! :waah:
Originally posted by Necromaster
damn i didnt get an email so i didnt get a free CD :waah:
Don't worry!! Now you have a great opportunity to buy one!! So do I:)!!!
I think all music should be free. But we need a band to start the trend, by giving away free music.

I think Forest Stream is that band. So you should send us all free CDs.

Originally posted by Rusty
I think all music should be free. But we need a band to start the trend, by giving away free music.

I think Forest Stream is that band. So you should send us all free CDs.


I agree. you can start by sending me one so i can review it for my site. ;) (click link in sig to go to my site)

I know a guy from the Maritime Metal site that won a CD. damn him and his good luck. :mad:
Originally posted by Necromaster
I agree. you can start by sending me one so i can review it for my site. ;) (click link in sig to go to my site)

I know a guy from the Maritime Metal site that won a CD. damn him and his good luck. :mad:

Yes, actually every good band should do that. Send and send and send their CDs and when they have no money to send what happens is what we see on your banner:)!! But I am so poor that I can't send even one CD :( Okay if you wait a bit I rob a band then buy our CD and then send it to you? Deal?:lol: I think the jail's post is free:) It is subsidized by the state budget and that means taxes so after all YOU pay for that being a tax payer! So I think that stuff with robbery and bla-bla is not worthy to be codsidered at all:)))))) :lol:
Originally posted by Sonm
Yes, actually every good band should do that. Send and send and send their CDs and when they have no money to send what happens is what we see on your banner:)!! But I am so poor that I can't send even one CD :( Okay if you wait a bit I rob a band then buy our CD and then send it to you? Deal?:lol: I think the jail's post is free:) It is subsidized by the state budget and that means taxes so after all YOU pay for that being a tax payer! So I think that stuff with robbery and bla-bla is not worthy to be codsidered at all:)))))) :lol:

ok ok i get it. i will buy a CD even though im broke with no job and have to pay for rent and food and my site with my cerdit card that i wont be able to pay off for a long long time. :(

lol nah i'll have a job by the time your CD comes out. alls good i'll be getting it as soon as i can. :D

I hope you guys do good. your music kicks ass.
Originally posted by Necromaster
ok ok i get it. i will buy a CD even though im broke with no job and have to pay for rent and food and my site with my cerdit card that i wont be able to pay off for a long long time. :(

lol nah i'll have a job by the time your CD comes out. alls good i'll be getting it as soon as i can. :D

I hope you guys do good. your music kicks ass.

Look!!! Your avatar has dissssapeared!!! Nooooo, I really apprecaite what you say about us but do not sell your soul for this CD:lol:
Originally posted by Hearse
Someone is just about to loose a limb here... :heh:

Imagine the guys that gog it wouldn't like it and ... imagine em sticking the disck on the wall!! With a nail!!!
What actually do you mean when say limb? A dick?
cock is a rooster!!
But what do you mean by the term LIMB?

limb (Ñëîâàðè: Îáù. ëåêñèêà àíãë.; Íàó÷íûé àíãë.)
1. ñóù.
1) êîíå÷íîñòü (÷åëîâåêà èëè æèâîòíîãî)
the lower limbs — íèæíèå êîíå÷íîñòè
the upper limbs — âåðõíèå êîíå÷íîñòè
artificial limb — ïðîòåç
2) âåòêà, âåòâü, ñóê
an upper limb of the tree — âåðõíÿÿ âåòêà äåðåâà
bough, branch
3) ïåðåí.
à) ÷ëåí, ÷àñòü, ñåãìåíò, äåòàëü
Name the limbs of the lock, and the other principal parts of the rifle. — Íàçîâèòå äåòàëè çàòâîðà è äðóãèå îñíîâíûå ÷àñòè âèíòîâêè.
á) ïðåäñòàâèòåëü, ÷ëåí (ãðóïïû); îòâåòâëåíèå, âåòâü (îðãàíèçàöèè)
An army is but the limb of a nation. — Àðìèÿ òîëüêî ëèøü íåîòúåìëåìûé ÷ëåí íàöèè.
4) ðàçã. îçîðíîé, íåïîñëóøíûé ðåáåíîê; øàëóí; áåñåíîê
out on a limb ðàçã. — â òðóäíîì ïîëîæåíèè, â îïàñíîñòè
2. ãë.
à) ðàñ÷ëåíÿòü, ðàçðûâàòü íà ÷àñòè
á) îáðåçàòü, îáðóáàòü ñó÷üÿ, âåòêè (äåðåâà)
1) àñòðîí. ëèìá, êðàé äèñêà (Ñîëíöà, Ëóíû, ïëàíåò)
2) òåõ. ëèìá, êðóãîâàÿ øêàëà (â óãëîìåðíûõ ïðèáîðàõ)
3) áîò. ðàñøèðåííàÿ ÷àñòü (ëåïåñòêà, ëèñòà)
So after all I think you mean a dick...
A strange punishment though... to cut someone's dick for not getting a CD:lol:
Dick = Richard so if I would imagine a guy called
Richard Dickinson... Dick the son of Dick... Donald Duck... Donald Dick. Odd... that's odd, guys!
Originally posted by Sonm
Look!!! Your avatar has dissssapeared!!! Nooooo, I really apprecaite what you say about us but do not sell your soul for this CD:lol:

my soul nah i wouldnt give that up.

and yea my site is acting funny. something going wrong with the server is on or something. my whole site is down right now too. :(

you seem to have to much time on your hands if your thinking about what cock and dick mean. :lol: