Former Dokken guitar player and Vision Divine singer joining in new band

rockyracoon said:
Just as long as this doesnt conflict with any VD progress.

VERY much agreed.

My selfish VD fan tendencies aside, I know side projects are a necessary part of metal. Hell, even VD started as Olaf's side project to Labrynth right?

But current metal side/solo projects would be an interesting thread... Tuomas in For My Pain, Shagrath in Chrome Division, etc. Along with projects that have evolved into primary bands, like Poisonblack.
ToddS said:
I love George Lynch, but Up From The Ashes may be the best Dokken record made. Cool catchy songs, & killer guitar solos. :kickass:

"Mirror Mirror" Is my fav guitar solo on the album. So tasty...:worship:
I also have and Love the Up from the ashes album but to me the production sounds dated now and kinda dull. A remastering might do wonders for it!
Perpet said:
"Mirror Mirror" Is my fav guitar solo on the album. So tasty...:worship:

Tasty is indeed the right description. Those boys have chops, but they have the feeling & style fitting those solos into the songs to go with the chops. just about every solo on that record is a homerun!
ToddS said:
I love George Lynch, but Up From The Ashes may be the best Dokken record made. Cool catchy songs, & killer guitar solos. :kickass:
THat's great but it is NOT a Dokken the band record, but simply a Don Dokken SOLO record.