Former Name.......... Waterbath????


Usurper of the Goat
Jan 19, 2004
Olympia, WA & Dallas, TX
If you search on for bloodbath, you of course get multiple results, as there are many bands named Bloodbath. However, THIS Bloodbath, the good one, the one from Sweden, is also listed as formerly being named Waterbath. Does anyone know why this is???
Waterbath??? That's bullshit. Their former name was Swimmingpool. Because they have a swimmingpool in their rehearsal room. Or a rehearsal room in a swimming pool. I find that strange because I read in interviews that they never rehearse, so why do they have a rehearsal room at all??? I'm confused.
Gay shit occurs on that site and forum everyday, this being an example. Someone probably just didn't like the fact that Bloodbath is a Swedish death metal tribute band more than anything else, and tried to be cute. Oh well, good thing the mods there use the banhammer mercilessly.