Bands that first got you into metal

First "metal" band i started to listen to was LIMP BIZKIT - Break Stuff ^^.
After that i needed music with i little bit more aggresion. So a friend came up the Slipknot self titled album. I've heard the first song and i knew it was the kind of music that i want to listen to the rest of my life. Slayer was the next band which inspired me a lot with their Reign In Blood album. After that DEATH METAL. Starting with Six Feet Under over to Cannibal Corpse and finally Bloodbath. Actually it was a coincidence that i started to listen to Bloodbath, bescause i was search multiple filesharing clients for sick song tiltles included "Bloodbath". So I downloaded one, i think it was "Death Delirium" and listened to it. I was so overwhelmed by this song, that i immediately purchased both albums.

It seems normal, that people who started to listen to metal, just listened to some more softer kind of the genre in the early days. But i am still listen to Slipknot and sometimes Limp Bizkit just to keep up the old time.^^
Fear Factory was the first real heavy band I listened to. My brother bought Soul of a New Machine and I instantly fell in love with the double kicks and triple picks.
First metal band I can remember I heard a song from was Unleashed. i think the song was Across the sea or something like that.
I was 11 years old, and since then I just dug deeper into the metal scene :D

Edit: I am 20 now :)
As sad as it was.....Linkin metal the extreme.....god im glad im out of that now.
Judas Priest, and Iron Maiden to a lesser extent. I still have about 14 Maiden albums though.
slipknot evur since 1998 still listen to them for at least 3 hours a day.trivium is one of the best bads ive ever heard of since 1998 besides SK tho.
I first liked stuff like Sabbath & Zeppelin 'cause of my mum, [she loves the & played them when I was a small child a lot], then listened to early 'tallica & a lot of Slayer stuff via my own choice. Then I moved onto heavier stuff like late Napalm Death, At the Gates & the like. Then ['Cause I play the guitar] I wanted to listen to heavier stuff to top previous bands. So I started listening to Decapitated, Bloodbath, Nile, Cannibal Corpse & so on. I've still not found a band heavier than CC or Decapitated.
Kill 'Em All said:
I first liked stuff like Sabbath & Zeppelin 'cause of my mum, [she loves the & played them when I was a small child a lot], then listened to early 'tallica & a lot of Slayer stuff via my own choice. Then I moved onto heavier stuff like late Napalm Death, At the Gates & the like. Then ['Cause I play the guitar] I wanted to listen to heavier stuff to top previous bands. So I started listening to Decapitated, Bloodbath, Nile, Cannibal Corpse & so on. I've still not found a band heavier than CC or Decapitated.

My favorate cd this week is Suffocation "peirced from within" its kind of an oldie but a goodie. If you want heavy and fast try "Effigy of the forgotten"
My brother was into death metal when I was born in 1986 so I've been listening since. As far as I remember, I remember loving Guns N Roses and Def Leppard a bunch as a kid. Then I got a Cannibal Corpse tape and a Metallica tape for my birthday when I was about 6 or 7 from my brother. The Cannibal Corpse I loved so I took my Fisher Price tape recorder to my brothers room and recorded about 30 tapes from his collection, everything from Venom and Death to Frank Zappa and Tom Petty.
Salvatore said:
My favorate cd this week is Suffocation "peirced from within" its kind of an oldie but a goodie. If you want heavy and fast try "Effigy of the forgotten"

Pierced From Within it's the epitome of what death metal must be. \m/

@ Kill 'Em All: Immolation: Onward to Golgotha. That record is awesome.
When I was 6-7 my brother was into Black Sabbath and such stuff, so i began listening to it. Later he started listening metal and so did I. Skyclad, Moonspell, The Doors, Amorphis (only the first one) are bands that I listened then and I listen to them now. Later I began exploring on my own and found Dimmu Borgir, Hypocrisy, Burzum, Nokturnal Mortum. I found out about Bloodbath from a magazine and I got interested only because I read, that Peter was involved (haha, so "Hail, Peter":loco: ).
Luz said:
Pierced From Within it's the epitome of what death metal must be. \m/

@ Kill 'Em All: Immolation: Onward to Golgotha. That record is awesome.

Thanks. I'll look that up today. 'Bout time I started listening to some new bands.

& thanks as well Salvatore, I'll look up that record as well.

This fora's much better than the Children of Bodom fora, it's mostly full of wankers in there. Not like here, where you get nice replys back. :cool: Thanks people, you make me want to stay on this forum.