Here are clips from Fortinfest (Mike Fortin's amp fest on Long Island)! I reamped DIs on the spot from the same arrangement I used for the Baron Clips.
Maxon OD-820 Pro->Meathead->Mills Acoustics Afterburner 412B (V30 mic'd up)->SM 57-> Reamped into MY PRESONUS FIREBOX! (This is a testament that tone comes from the source, folks).
The Meathead Sounds amazing; there isn't much else to say about it. This thing does from blackface to blackmetal with no issue.

No processing was done at all aside from a highpass and lowpass.
Full arrangement: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1569935/Fortin Meathead Clips.mp3
Guitars only: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1569935/Fortin Meathead Clips Guitars Only.mp3