Forum Meeting


Customized individuum
Jan 17, 2007
Just wanted to throw in the idea of a forum meeting since there are some special concerts in autumn and I think that would be a good time.

The best dates for that in my opinion would be:

The DVD date, October 31st. It is a Friday, Milan lies in the middle of Europe and should be reachable from every major international airport.

November 14th, also a Friday, they will play a setlist with many older songs, it is their hometown and their 20th anniversary tour.
The other dates of that Scandinavian tour will not work as well because they are either during the week or unreachable by plane.

Of course both dates would probably mean that people from further away would have to take off a day on Friday.

So tell me what you think and which date you would prefer. Personally I tend more towards the Göteborg date since I am already on a DVD and I really would love to see those older songs and I cannot afford two longer trips in such a short time.
I'll be at the show in Milano, and I was hoping to see you there, Matse. Everyone who's reading the board at the moment either has already met me and is still under medication or is probably not dying for the opportunity to see this old geezer in the flesh, I suppose. But I'll be happy to say hi to anyone who's coming to the show in Milano and provide free translation / alcohol to those who need it. ;)

I'd love to go to the Göteborg gig as well, but I'm afraid the date might not be a very good one for me to take days off work. We'll see.
the idea is interesting. i'd like to go. But I dont know yet which classes i will have on fridays (one i can easily skip without not understanding anything the next time if i miss one, i hope). I also dont know if i can save enough money for a plane ticket until then.

It would be quite a tiring trip since i wouldnt pay for a hotel room, i'd have to stay up all night and hope that the flight to come back is quite early in the morning :heh:
I'll be at the show in Milano, and I was hoping to see you there, Matse. Everyone who's reading the board at the moment either has already met me and is still under medication or is probably not dying for the opportunity to see this old geezer in the flesh, I suppose. But I'll be happy to say hi to anyone who's coming to the show in Milano and provide free translation / alcohol to those who need it. ;)

I'd love to go to the Göteborg gig as well, but I'm afraid the date might not be a very good one for me to take days off work. We'll see.

I have always been dreaming of meeting a phlegma coughing dwarf. So you are not going to be at any Scandinavian dates at all? A forum meeting shouldn't be without either of the two moderators and of course you are the Nr. 2 on the list of people out of this forum I would love to meet.

Of course we will have nametags, maybe we will have to design new ones, does anyone have a link to the old ones?
awesome idea haha post pictures if the meeting takes place :)
i live so far away and i have no money so i cant even think of getting closer hahahaha
I was bored the last 10 minutes so I photoshopped a first version.

Have fun europeans. I won't have my passport in time, and I just purchased a vehicle (so I can get a job) so I won't have any disposable income for a while. That isn't to say its not for lack of want, but its logistically impossible for me at this point. Still, if it happens, I hope its a great time.
I won't be able to attend (as I will have to repeat one girl's erotic journey from Milan to Minsk, oh, Rochelle, Rochelle, even though my attorney is working hard on solution - oh, legal battles), but I'll be sending an emissary in any case.

Non-stop flight and stay for a few days in Milan are so affordable, it's some other kind of papers I won't have in time... but we'll see, eh?


ouch - flights to italy are £140, and to gothenburg are £150 - i cant really afford that :(

You pathetic little wanker - you were just talking about raising money for a dt show, way more than that :lol:
I have this vague memory of people who used to have that UM-name tag thingy in their signatures. Surely an hour searching through the archive of this forum will find something, like, an old thread with an inactive user and a dead link to that name tag. Time well spent. It's been thought of anyway, so no bull from my part - there used to be a like, 'official' name tag. But I've never heard aboot no meeting though. What a thaaang it would be, like, stiff like a class reunion or something. Clearly a good idea. I'd even consider contributing to the experiment with a few truly Swedish odd moments of silence here and there.

Name tag in all its glory but isn't it better to do a 'red shirt for burma' kind of thing? Could be something as simple as wearing, oh no, like, white? Or maybe name a certain band, something like Manowar or something really cool like that. That way everyone wearing a manowar-shirt is guaranteed to be from here, right? Or maybe we could make it a cultural event. I could dress up like Joey Tempest, Matse could be Klaus Meine and Dark_Silence would have a freecard since the role of Klaus is already taken, DisplayofCharacter (who'll have to ride a bike to work in the future) is of course Jon Bon Jovi and rahvin could be himself and even fit in for a change.

I feel so dynamic and full of ideas. Wish you could just, use me.

Sephiret: Are you drunk or did you just check the first class blowjob included flights to gothenburg? I checked ryanair really quick and it was like, £15. Even if they sneak up the price to the double (which seems likely considering that it's ryanair) it's still a steal. :p

A good start:

Landing there instead of Landvetter (GOT) will save you money.

plintus: You're the blond girl that always puts out, right? I'm the shy guy in the corner. Hi. Nice to meet you. Nice shoes etc. ;)
Niklas said it somewhere. It is official. Trust us.

edit: The white shirt idea sounds good. I have a couple of those and might have worn one anyways.
I checked ryanair really quick and it was like, £15. Even if they sneak up the price to the double (which seems likely considering that it's ryanair) it's still a steal. :p

dont travel with Ryanair they really are assholes. The pay their employees receive is really too low considering how much they work, they offer you no service if a flight has a problem (for ex. if something in the plane needs to be fixed before it can leave the airport) , and many more.
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Everyone planning on travelling with ryanair should at least watch this video, if you're ok with the way they might treat you or the way they treat the cabin crew then go ahead.
I for one would prefer flight attendents more concerned with safety than with the next nap, but then again, when you want to travel with a very limited budget, you may not have another choice at times. You get what you pay for.
I won't be able to attend (as I will have to repeat one girl's erotic journey from Milan to Minsk, oh, Rochelle, Rochelle, even though my attorney is working hard on solution - oh, legal battles), but I'll be sending an emissary in any case.

Non-stop flight and stay for a few days in Milan are so affordable, it's some other kind of papers I won't have in time... but we'll see, eh?


You pathetic little wanker - you were just talking about raising money for a dt show, way more than that :lol:

i wasnt talking about me raising the money, are you feckin joking? im a student

im dirt poor

i meant getting a promotions person onto the case of setting up a tour you nonce
