found this on the IM BB

Tough As Steel

a.k.a. Aussie Dave
Feb 12, 2002
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The other day I found a rock music book at a library, and in it it had a year by year guide to maiden. I perused through this and to my astonishment, for the year 1989, it had a brief bit about Bruce Dickinson being arrested in the US for trying to strangle some one after a gig a few years any of you older fans know anything about this......

+ On a related note, I recently read Motley Crue's biography, and in that, nikki six talks about when they supported maiden on 1 of the legs of the World Slavery tour.....and he gives a very vague account of how he pulled/shagged bruce dickinsons wife/girlfriend(?) and how bruce found out and was constantly challenging him to a fencing duel for revenge (no joke).
....its quite funny....says how none of maiden liked motley crue except nicko, who earned their 'respect' by getting caught on the germany-france border in possession of dope.....
....any way, can any 1 shed any light on these occurances?!

Jesus if that is true.....Bruce really should have walloped him. Who challenges anyone to a fencing duel? Although believing anything out of the mouth from a Motley Crue band member....
It probably is true, I just finished reading The Dirt and I remember that bit! It was Bruces girlfriend at the time I believe.

Nikki said Bruce kept challenging him to do a fencing duel, just for "fun" but Nikki thought Bruce might try and get back at him for it and stab him, so he didnt do it :lol:
At some point I remember a story about Bruce wrapping a mic cord around someones neck at a gig, but I can't remember if it was someone in the crowd who was spitting on him, or a security guard getting a bit rough. A google search should turn something up.
Here y'are:
from (the official Bruce Site)

Have you ever been arrested?
"Yes in Lubbock, Texas. It was at a Maiden show, and there was this security guard punching kids in the front row in the face. It was alleged that I looped my microphone lead around his neck and tried to strangle him. He filed a complaint and I got arrested. I was taken down town, photographed, the whole nine yards - but nothing ever came of it. I think they gave me the freedom of the city in the end."
And then there was the infamous incident on stage during the (I think) World Piece Tour with the young lady on stage. Can't remember the exact details, but the case went on for a few years, I think.
As I said, I can't remember the exact details. During "22 Acacia Avenue" they used to have a (possibly local) woman who would play Charlotte, and Bruce allegedly got a bit carried away one night and started groping her.

It's mentioned in the Maiden FAQ, wherever that is.
I went looking for the old FAQ i had but couldn't find it..maybe if i get of my arse and go to the drawer where i know it is..ahh well next time hey...either that or find i ya self the old site has been deleted so good luck :D
I vaguely remember that too - was AGES ago.. (World Slavery tour maybe...) some lady claimed she was attacked or was pregnant with Bruce's kid or something like that? Or maybe Bruce had hit her - it was SOMETHING really weird / outlandish.

I thought it ended with an out of court settlement (I do recall it was a SERIOUS issue) for un-disclosed payment.... I am pretty sure it was somewhere in the U.S.

Disclaimer - I am not saying Bruce DID these things, I am just stating there WAS some issue and I vaguely recall it was settled out of court - I could be completely wrong.

Here it is from an older version of the FAQ:

This stemmed from a concert on August 15th, 1983 on the Piece Of Mind tour at Memorial Stadium in Buffalo, NY. A lawsuit stemmed from this concert where some girl was doing sensual dancing on stage. The original article reads like this:


"A 22-year old Buffalo model who claims a member of the heavy-metal rock group IRON MAIDEN ripped off the top of her bathing suit when she appeared on stage at a recent concert filed a $350,000 lawsuit Wednesday against the band, its singer and its management firm.

Attorney Arnold Lieberman, who filed the suit on behalf of model Suzzette Kolaga, said the incident occured during Iron Maiden's concert before about 7,000 fans in Memorial Auditorium on Aug. 15.

He said legal papers will be served on the band when it appears in Rochester today [09/01/83] for a scheduled concert.

The suit, filed in State Supreme Court, seeks $150,000 in general damages against the English band, singer Bruce Dickenson and the management firm, American Talent International of New York, plus $200,000 in punitive damages
against Dickenson.

Ms. Kolaga, a professional fashion model, won a local "Ms. Heavy Metal" contest, and because of that was invited onstage during the performance to crack a whip and dance around Dickenson.

The suit alleges that Dickenson, without consent, warning or provocation, pushed and assualted her and tore the top of her bathing suit.

Dickenson "willfully, wantonly and shamelessly" exposed her to the crowd attending the concert, the suit contends, thereby holding her up to "scorn, shame and extreme embarrassment" and seriously damaging her "personal and professional reputation."

Ms. Kolaga wore a one-piece bathing suit with a plunging neck-line, thigh-high leather boots and leather gloves, with a chain and handcuffs dangling from a leather belt.

Mr. Lieberman said she has asked not to talk to reporters because she is "still mildly hysterical" over the incident. Mr. Lieberman said she is only working part-time because she is still upset."

(Note: the picture with this article shows her on stage...she looks like a
total tramp... :) ). Also note it was the paper that spelled Bruce's last
name "Dickenson", not me. :)

Apparently the matter was eventually settled out of court.