Fractal AX-8


Bass playing guy.
Dec 28, 2010
Washington DC
I don't think anyone has posted about this here yet, but Fractal has a new floorboard unit coming at the end of the month and it's going to be $1400 USD. Trying to go for the death blow on the Helix it seems. Thoughts?

I'll probably pick one up since I prefer the floorboards to racks these days.

Looks so antiquated compared to the Helix at such a similar price.

I'm more excited for the Helix if anything. I owned an AxeFX for awhile but sold regrets. But when a luxury item sells for nearly 3k it's hard for people to be objective about it. It will always sound "OMG the REALEST BESTEST!".

People have already reported getting the Helix at 15-20% off because it's sold at a variety of outlets, but Fractal stuff is only through them at full price (unless they've changed this?). So in effect, the Helix may still be cheaper for many people.
I am still way more into the FX-8 from Fractal, trying to talk my guitarist to get it for his 2-Ch Dual Rec. With all the fx dedication and none of the amp modeling, plus the amp channel switching - seems like best blend of both worlds. The quality of the Line6 stuff won't hold up as long, Fractal does tons better with constant updates and new features.
I am still way more into the FX-8 from Fractal, trying to talk my guitarist to get it for his 2-Ch Dual Rec. With all the fx dedication and none of the amp modeling, plus the amp channel switching - seems like best blend of both worlds. The quality of the Line6 stuff won't hold up as long, Fractal does tons better with constant updates and new features.

Yeah the more I think about it the more I wonder if the FX-8 is actually what I want since I am pretty content with my 6505 or 5150.

In regards to the Helix vs. AX-8 I think they are both different animals. I'm sure in two months time there will be comparisons galore.
This Fractal looks pretty cool as does the Helix. When these guys start showing up used under a grand I'll probably bite. Simply for the effects and routing capabilities.

I think the only thing I could see myself shelling out more than a grand for would be a Kemper but I just can't justify the expense for my personal use. It would be awesome if Kemper came out with a competitive product with less bells and whistles than the flagship lunchbox style thing.
Much more interested in the FX-8 because I'm happy with my amp and love that it has relays for amp switching built in. Unfortunately it is pretty expensive and this thing is about the same price with way more features which makes me wonder what I'd be paying for.