France: Multiculturalism Fails...Again

Laeth MacLaurie

New Metal Member
Aug 21, 2005
They say that Nero fiddled while Rome burned, but the fires that have lit the night in Paris for several weeks now were kindled by the fiddling of the multiculturalist Left. Much as in Toledo, we are seeing the true face of multiculturalism, and that face is swarthy and twisted in violent rage. The frightening reality is that what we have witnessed in France and Ohio is only the barest shadow of what is to come. For the last 60 years, ever since the last great attempt to reinvigorate the corpse of the old European idealistic spirit was crushed by the combined might of the Jew-controlled empires of the United States and the Soviet Union, the West has danced to the tune called by her Judeo-Bolshevik masters. And now, unfortunately, the piper's bill is coming due.

There is, however, still time to avert disaster. Whites are still in a position to seize control of their destiny. Tell your leaders that you've had it. Europe, Canada, the US and Australia are white nations founded on white principles. Non-whites do not belong and must be removed by any means necessary if we are to move ahead and forge a better future.
the alumnus said:
this is the least verbose post you've ever done. but answer this: in what way was france promoting multiculturalism?

The immigration policies of France alone were textbook examples of multiculturalist policies, as have many of the educational policies the republic has undertaken over the years.

The real irony here is that the Left's economic policies are a major contributing factor to the persistent violence that has accompanied this particular flare up of brown resentment.
I think it was somewhat inevitable the riots would happen in France with some of the policies it has adopted over the years.
Laeth MacLaurie said:
The immigration policies of France alone were textbook examples of multiculturalist policies, as have many of the educational policies the republic has undertaken over the years.

The real irony here is that the Left's economic policies are a major contributing factor to the persistent violence that has accompanied this particular flare up of brown resentment.

You know, you are right about all these issues according to what I've read recently.
I don't pretend to be an expert, but France really has "erupted" recently with the issue. I've never been a fan of French politics myself, so i had a pessimistic feeling such things might eventually happen, on the rare occasion when i pondered the situation.
Laeth MacLaurie said:
The immigration policies of France alone were textbook examples of multiculturalist policies, as have many of the educational policies the republic has undertaken over the years.

The real irony here is that the Left's economic policies are a major contributing factor to the persistent violence that has accompanied this particular flare up of brown resentment.

you might be right about the immigration, but consider this: france made it a point to make immigration easier for former colonials and francophones. is that multiculturalist?

i'm not familiar with france's educational policies other than the "no religious symbols in school" policy. what else are they doing?
As far as I gather it's been a general ban on religious symbols and religious attire in order to protect "France's secular ethos" as quoted from the BBC.

They banned all forms of religious symbols. However Sikh's were allowed to wear head scarves instead of full Turbans under the pretence that they were cultural rather than religious. Most religious groups are arguing against the ruling in various ways, but it does seem to be unbalanced in places, for example the Turban being interpreted as cultural while the Jewish skullcap remains religious attire.

All things considered, i can see the difficulty in "multi-culturalism" and managing to keep a cohesive society that wont eventually collapse under its own weight.
the alumnus said:
you might be right about the immigration, but consider this: france made it a point to make immigration easier for former colonials and francophones. is that multiculturalist?

It was sold to the French people as being owed for previous loyalty to the empire, but it was always pushed mainly by leftist intellectuals who hoped to make France a multicultural paradise (in part to stick one in the eye of the US, as these policies were originally undertaken at the height of the civil rights unrest in America).

i'm not familiar with france's educational policies other than the "no religious symbols in school" policy. what else are they doing?

France has long pushed a policy of forced integration of (often unwilling) religious and ethnic minorities into the country's secular schools, and French universities and French intellectuals have been the chief proponents of the so-called "postcolonial" movement, which privileges the experience of former colonials and teaches ordinary French students that they have some sort of collective guilt for the "oppression" of the past.
Laeth MacLaurie said:
Europe, Canada, the US and Australia are white nations founded on white principles. Non-whites do not belong and must be removed by any means necessary if we are to move ahead and forge a better future.

Non-whites don't belong in the US? Last time I checked, the US was only a "white nation" as a result of the subjugation of non-white peoples. Now rest assured, I'm not engaging in any kind of "Judeo-Christian moralizing" here; I'm objecting on purely logical grounds. Do you have any criterion by which you can establish that claim as being more legitimate than claims such as "The US is a Native American nation" or "The US is a multi-cultural nation"?
Cythraul said:
Non-whites don't belong in the US? Last time I checked, the US was only a "white nation" as a result of the subjugation of non-white peoples. Now rest assured, I'm not engaging in any kind of "Judeo-Christian moralizing" here; I'm objecting on purely logical grounds. Do you have any criterion by which you can establish that claim as being more legitimate than claims such as "The US is a Native American nation" or "The US is a multi-cultural nation"?

Right of conquest.

If the prairie my pals wanted to control the continent, maybe they should have advanced past a neolithic level of existence. Evolution in action, baby.
Laeth MacLaurie said:
Right of conquest.

Well going by your flawless reasoning, I'm just as justified in claiming that the US really belongs to the current status quo with its rabid support for multiculturalism and Jewish tendencies. In other words, why should anybody buy into your bullshit?

edit: I think you sort of missed my point anyway.

If the prairie my pals wanted to control the continent, maybe they should have advanced past a neolithic level of existence. Evolution in action, baby.

Evolution has little to do with it. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, aren't you the type of guy that doesn't care much for modernity? If so, then why would you even consider judging a culture on the basis of more advanced vs. less advanced? As far as I'm concerned, the Native Americans were the antithesis to most of everything you abhor about modernity. Anglo white people were largely responsible for most of the crap you speak out against ( no wait you think the Jews and the Bolsheviks are responsible for everything).
I have always wondered that when the Algerians and the others will wake up from the dream of lies and take revenge... So it happened... The events are too bad but it was impossible not to see that... I hope the results will not go further...
hehe LoL! Reading the name of the tread...
I mean, how many times world as a whole was on the edge, or countries having totalitarian or fascist regimes have been devastated? How many millions have died because of nacism and how many because of multiculturalism? I mean sorry man, but how unobjective and plain stupid can it be? I mean, what is next? When there is someone found with children pornography on his computer, someone will open thread "internet fails...again" or will it be "computer fails again". Or when there is someone having bad grades in school, does that means that "school system fails again" and we should change it because of this?
I am always amazed as people having liking for extreme ideologies can find "proofs" they are right everywhere. :)

France as most western countries i just formally multicultural. To be really multicultural, country should kind of mix traditions, and I think this is not really possible except in case country was a mixture of traditions and religions in the first place. It is naturally a bit more easy for USA to be multicultural when its own roots are made on different religions and nations (partially) building new country, or with the Asian countries that have mixed many religions and cultures there for thousands of years, like India. France is not muticultural, it is christian, white, european state that was trying to stay open but I do not think it is really possible, because it has monolitic identity as most of the europen countries. It can be changed only if it is broken first.

Happenings there are natural price for France to pay, and is logical result, as is always case with ex-colonial powers. For instance, they were ruling Algeria, made them came in contact with their culture, even today a lot of of the Algerians speak French fluently. So when Algeria is on its own, and there are people who want to immigrate somewhere, their most natural choice are their ex rulers, they know the language and their way of life. So it is just a natural payback, happening in west a lot in recent years. Finally, I don't belive in that idealistic "Multiculturalism" as I don't believe in technical equality because people are trully different. So there is no way you can take their culture and way of life from Algerians or any other group of immigrants and make them live like europeans, with european morale and way of thinking under the mask of "mutliculturalism" and "integration into society". That just won't work.
Only thing they could do was to have very rigorous policy with immigrants, but now it is too late. I guess they (white french citizens) will have to pay the price in redefining the identity of their society, and it will be a bitter pill to swallow.

Only way to make solutions to this kind of problem is to give more equality to the world, and I know it sounds kind of idealistic, but it is very simple and logical. There is no reason for Canadians to emmigrate to USA, or for masses of Sweeden born people to look for better life in Norway, reasons are obvious. But west have build big part of its wealth an power based on unequality and using riches and working force from poorer countries. Now those people want a piece of this cake too, and it is normal. If they were content with their life in their homeland, there would be no need to go to somewhere else. So responsability of France starts in time they were masters. What they could do in past was to stay responsible and help Algerians build strong and independent society. In that case there would not be immigrants in France, at least not that many of them. There is always simbiosys between master and servant, and in their search for power many keep forgetting that.
Dushan S said:
hehe LoL! Reading the name of the tread...
I mean, how many times world as a whole was on the edge, or countries having totalitarian or fascist regimes have been devastated? How many millions have died because of nacism and how many because of multiculturalism? I mean sorry man, but how unobjective and plain stupid can it be? I mean, what is next? When there is someone found with children pornography on his computer, someone will open thread "internet fails...again" or will it be "computer fails again". Or when there is someone having bad grades in school, does that means that "school system fails again" and we should change it because of this?
I am always amazed as people having liking for extreme ideologies can find "proofs" they are right everywhere. :)

You mean Nazism wasn´t a reaction to multiculturalism?

France as most western countries i just formally multicultural. To be really multicultural, country should kind of mix traditions, and I think this is not really possible except in case country was a mixture of traditions and religions in the first place. It is naturally a bit more easy for USA to be multicultural when its own roots are made on different religions and nations (partially) building new country, or with the Asian countries that have mixed many religions and cultures there for thousands of years, like India. France is not muticultural, it is christian, white, european state that was trying to stay open but I do not think it is really possible, because it has monolitic identity as most of the europen countries. It can be changed only if it is broken first.

This I mostly agree with

Only way to make solutions to this kind of problem is to give more equality to the world, and I know it sounds kind of idealistic, but it is very simple and logical. There is no reason for Canadians to emmigrate to USA, or for masses of Sweeden born people to look for better life in Norway, reasons are obvious. But west have build big part of its wealth an power based on unequality and using riches and working force from poorer countries. Now those people want a piece of this cake too, and it is normal. If they were content with their life in their homeland, there would be no need to go to somewhere else. So responsability of France starts in time they were masters. What they could do in past was to stay responsible and help Algerians build strong and independent society. In that case there would not be immigrants in France, at least not that many of them. There is always simbiosys between master and servant, and in their search for power many keep forgetting that.

More equality to the world?
How the hell would that work?
Please I´m interested in knowing your plan
Cythraul said:
Well going by your flawless reasoning, I'm just as justified in claiming that the US really belongs to the current status quo with its rabid support for multiculturalism and Jewish tendencies. In other words, why should anybody buy into your bullshit?

It depends on whether the West is redeemable or not. It is true that it currently is losing the battle, but the question is whether there can be an awakening on its part. In the case of the Native Americans, they are as defeated as a people can be that still has living members. We might say that they should uprise and reclaim what was theirs', but to be frank, they've lost. Their situation is irredeemable. It can be said that the West really belongs to its current masters if it doesn't extirpate them.
Laeth MacLaurie said:
There is, however, still time to avert disaster. Whites are still in a position to seize control of their destiny. Tell your leaders that you've had it. Europe, Canada, the US and Australia are white nations founded on white principles. Non-whites do not belong and must be removed by any means necessary if we are to move ahead and forge a better future.
What exactly are "white principles"? This honestly sound like the same thing the white power guys have been preaching for over a hundred years now.
At my work there are Whites, blacks, mexicans, cambodians ect ect. They want to work, make money and live a decent life and be left alone. Would this be a "white principle"?
Hawng said:
What exactly are "white principles"? This honestly sound like the same thing the white power guys have been preaching for over a hundred years now.
At my work there are Whites, blacks, mexicans, cambodians ect ect. They want to work, make money and live a decent life and be left alone. Would this be a "white principle"?

I think the idea he was trying to make (or I will make for him) is that the homogenious nature of almost all European countries and most Asian countries if we want to go deeper with this --from race to culture--is one of the primary advantages they have. This oneness of culture could lead to lower crime, more of a community feeling and responsibility towards others, more social restrictions, etc. These advantages and feeling of oneness have in turn influenced the creation of a massive welfare state that benefits any person of the homogenous culture. Whereas in a multi-cultural society it's such a melting pot, no one feels anything towards anyone else; thus one takes more risks. So its a interesting little dichotomy.

Really, the US is one of the few places that has attempted such a broad multi-cultural society. Our ruling race is beauty, and our culture is profit. Other countries like France that have allowed other cultures to settle in significant numbers generally have a very set ruling race and culture. Asian countries like Japan, China, Vietnam, Korea, are all even moe homogenous and down right racist and xenophobic than their European counterparts.