Frat guys

Damian B

Nov 8, 2007
I believe "greek life" is pretty much exclusively an American thing, but let me tell you my European friends, you certainly are not missing out!!

I go to a school where 55-60% of the student population is involved in greek life, and god are they all douches :Puke:

Just venting, feel free to comment. :cool:
Yeah, agreed, SUNY Oneonta as well is a bad one for Greeks - whatever, you'll get used to it; I still die a little inside when I have to ride the bus with a few bros/sisters around me and listen to their stupid, stupid conversation, but otherwise I'm just totally used to the shirts and stupid slogans and stuff; doesn't make me hate 'em less, but it also doesn't work me up that much!

Sorry for the hippie tone, but, well, I'm a little high :D
Eh, I had been intermittent, but have since shortened the intervals hehehe (still not too often though)
It really depends on the school and area. Most frat guys at the schools I've visited around this area (UCSB, UCLA, Northridge) have all been super chill, if a bit "bro-esque," and the greek system at CalPoly where I'm going in September is basically just the kids who like to party.
Yeah, there might be a different culture on west coast, but here in North Carolina it's ridiculous. Insane hazing practices, stupid theme parties, beer pong all the time. I mean, I like to drink every now then, but can I go to one fucking party without beer pong? Or at least another drinking game!! The dudes dress like douches, talk like douches, are all republicans (:heh:), etc... I guess it doesn't help it's a private university, things are probably worse here because of that.

Just a quick story, I had to go to the nurse one night because I had the flu, and she told me a story of a freshman pledge who had to lie fully submerged in a bathtub full of ice-water for 6 hours straight to join the frat. Needless to say he almost died because of it. I don't know who's more of a dumbass, the frat guys or him. And to think that those guys could have been his "brothers" :lol:
beer pong all the time. I mean, I like to drink every now then, but can I go to one fucking party without beer pong?

Dude I'm sorry, but what the fuck is wrong with beer pong?? :lol:

Honestly, it's got to be my favorite game in the world. I don't like most sports so that makes it easy for it to be my favorite, but playing beer pong is just stupidly fun and I've never had a bad night where there was a pong table involved (besides when the cops show up... being underage sucks).

BP + kegstands = a fucking good time!
Ugh I guess it's just not my thing. I'm down for it every now and then, but please, does every single party have to revolve around that fucking game??!!
In germany...if you're not a can have friends and party with them w/o being in a frat....
so frats are actually for the douches that can't make friend without them.
What's all about that greek talk?I cant understand can anyone explain?And no here in Greece there no such parties like you mention.Only on some of our islands,during summer vacations
What's all about that greek talk?I cant understand can anyone explain?And no here in Greece there no such parties like you mention.Only on some of our islands,during summer vacations

Haahaha, yeah, I can see how that would be confusing - they call it "Greek life" because fraternities and sororities identify themselves with Greek letters - don't ask me ¯\(°_o)/¯
YESSSSSSSSSSSS, I love that video (and Jack Johnson :lol: ) But see, those guys aren't so bad, because they're mild-mannered and whatever, by me there's a lot of loud, grunting, aggressive semi-wigger douchebags who are like the advanced version of the high school football player stereotype from bad teen movies, BLLLECCCHHH (not necessarily jocks, just with a similar mentality, but usually more with more wigger infused)

And no, I don't actually love Jack Johnson :D