Are you guys looking forward to the new Slayer album?

No. I thought it just needed time to grow on me, but at this point, I've just decided that it's not really my cup of tea. The title track is one of my favorite Nevermore songs, though.
Lord of Metal said:
No. I thought it just needed time to grow on me, but at this point, I've just decided that it's not really my cup of tea. The title track is one of my favorite Nevermore songs, though.

Totally with you on this. Everytime I hear the album I cut out one less song which I thought I liked, so nowadays it's pretty much down to *put in disc, skip to last track*, though since I'm bothering to put in the disc, I typically do listen to the first 2 tracks as well.

Whereas EoR is completely solid from beginning to end, fantastic album.
I thought it looked stupid. Plus, they have taken the 666 thing to the point of stupidity. I don't blame the band (well maybe Kerry) BUT it's the most BLATANT marketing ploy I've ever witnessed.
I suppose opinions are subjective man, I just don't like it much.

Also, I don't think I would. I have a certain integrity to anything I do that would probably still make me slightly queezy at the endless 666 references.
hm, well i definitely would. i mean, from a fans point of view i completely agree with you that its stupid and theyve gone overboard, especially with this latest T-shirt thing. But, from the collective perspective of a band and marketing and a quick money-maker, I think it's a good idea. As dumb as it is, there are lots of Slayer fans that you know are gonna be into this 666 thing as much as they can. Slayer fans are pretty diehard and supportive.
Yeah, from that point of view, it's 100% sound. The core slayer fanbase will buy into that stuff a huge deal, but for is distasteful.
new sample posted here, vocals included. not bad....typical slayer. tom gets the worst rap for his vocals. i think his voice is fucking awesome. and its especially awesome that he loses it after the 5th song at every show.
Chromatose said:
Totally with you on this. Everytime I hear the album I cut out one less song which I thought I liked, so nowadays it's pretty much down to *put in disc, skip to last track*, though since I'm bothering to put in the disc, I typically do listen to the first 2 tracks as well.
thats a little more extreme than me, but i would say the first, second, and last track are definitely light years ahead of the rest, and a lot of times i do skip around on TGE. i think i may like EOR more.....i dunno
oh yeh, i think Diabalos en Musica was a nice change up becuase they were getting stagnant and running out of songs to make with the same few riffs. it was heavy and had some more exsperimentation and i dug the production being more focused on the drums and throwing in some guitar effects an shit. its one of the only slayer albums i ever listen to really. ive never even heard God Hates Us All haha.