Free Thrash Metal!


Jun 27, 2004
I've posted this on a lot of places and on torrents and stuff and the feedback has been great so far so I wanted to see what you old school thrashers would think. This is a link to both EP's of my band Invection ( If you could give your opinion on them I'd really appreciate it. Here's the link:

We've been getting great reviews so far so I'm not totally wasting your time I hope haha, out of all the reviews we've gotten (and we've gotten a lot) I've never seen one that is under a 7/10.

The first one, Demented Perception is more oldschool artwise, riff wise, production wise, everything is really raw and late 80s sounding. Really aggressive and brutal stuff I think.

The 2nd one, Derealization is more modern sounding and polished (like if you were to compare Among The Living to The Greater of 2 Evils). Theres a lot of different elements on this one such as a lot more shredding, melody, groove, brutality etc.

If you could at least check out one or 2 songs from both of them and tell me what you think I'd really appreciate it; they're so different style wise that you may love one but absolutely hate the other so definitely give both a chance. The artwork can be seen in my sig but here's a larger version for you guys to really see it (we're really proud of the Demented Perception artwork)



Thanks for checking them out and I hope you guys like them; I've posted them even on some other forums on Ultimate Metal a long time ago and the responses were great which is what prompted me to see what the other forums think of them (some people are only active on a couple forums)
I went to your myspace page....Once I scrolled down past that massive header image, I clicked play for Derealization....The music kicked in and I was impressed.....I immediately thought of old Testament....Then the vocals came in....I couldn't close the page quickly enough....Sorry.

Good guitars...good drums....Tom Araya does better vocals.
Thanks for checking them out! Keoll, sorry you don't like the vocals I'm still trying to find something that fits haha; any specific things you don't like that I could maybe work on?
My issue boils down to a severe dislike of Slayer and the song sounded like Testament had replaced Chuck with Tom Araya....The most important thing is to stay true to yourself and do what feels right for you and the band....There will be (and are) a ton of people who will groove on what you've got going....The songs structures are solid....The mixes are pretty damn good as well....Not many unsigned bands can get that kind of production out of their self releases...I'd be willing to bet I have listeners on my station that would love it.

If I were in the sound booth, I might suggest trying to double some of your vocals (or stereo split them) to attempt giving you your own uniqueness.
Thanks for the in depth feedback! Yeah on the next release it'll be a full length so we'll have a ton of time in the studio to mess around with stuff and make sure it sounds good plus the guy who records us is great. Hopefully it'll fix all the concerns people have and if not oh well thats just life haha. I don't think we did any vocal doubling except for the group shouts so maybe we might try that this time around.
My two cents.........(I'm an anonymous dude on the internet so my opinion is valid)
I can't help but think "Mastodon" or "Gojira" type vocals would be a better fit. Like the song "Island"
...but am definitely not suggesting anyone should copy Mastodon.
I'm not a fan of "Hard Core" vocals, (of course that just my opinion) I think it usually throws off the whole dynamic of the song and makes all the songs sound too similar even if they are very different.

But man, the music is really awesome! Yous fellers done learned up yer instruments right good like!
My two cents.........(I'm an anonymous dude on the internet so my opinion is valid)
I can't help but think "Mastodon" or "Gojira" type vocals would be a better fit. Like the song "Island"
...but am definitely not suggesting anyone should copy Mastodon.
I'm not a fan of "Hard Core" vocals, (of course that just my opinion) I think it usually throws off the whole dynamic of the song and makes all the songs sound too similar even if they are very different.

But man, the music is really awesome! Yous fellers done learned up yer instruments right good like!

I've never heard that song so I'll have to check it out. I do definitely want to vary it up on the full length so the vocals aren't boring, I'm just not sure how yet haha. Thanks for checking it out though, glad you like the music!
Awesome album artwork but same thing as everybody else I'm not digging the singing too much.
Its not that he is bad I just think you could do better, he almost sounds like a hardcore singer