Friday Canes show

Thanks again you guys ~ you are both always so thoughtful to think of us. And another thanks to you Jim for letting me check out your G&L BABE bass. I think I may have to get one of those. :)

Not a problem at all Wanda. I'm sure the bass was happy to be in far more capable hands. :kickass:

I only have a couple of basses. :Saint:

Someday you'll have to try out the pimped out one. Maidens Bling night. :lol:




Or have a taste of honey if you get a sweet tooth.
15 basses? Wow,nice collection Jim! The red one is beautiful. Only thing I don't like on it is the headstock's shape.But other than that,it's :rock:
Wow, that is very impressive!! Will we ever get to see a pic of the whole family together? :lol:

Someday Jenna. I'll have to make room for the 2 guitars as well.

15 basses? Wow,nice collection Jim! The red one is beautiful. Only thing I don't like on it is the headstock's shape.But other than that,it's :rock:

Actually the generic term among the G&L fans for that shape, which is a G&L tradmark now, was an "eye gouger". However one Maidens show I was right up front and had to duck Wanda's stock a couple of times. I realized that the "eye gouger" was more of a skull plow. Somebody getting unruly, you jam them in the dome with that and dig a furrow in their brain pan. So I call it a skull peeler now. :lol:

Actually the generic term among the G&L fans for that shape, which is a G&L tradmark now, was an "eye gouger". However one Maidens show I was right up front and had to duck Wanda's stock a couple of times. I realized that the "eye gouger" was more of a skull plow. Somebody getting unruly, you jam them in the dome with that and dig a furrow in their brain pan. So I call it a skull peeler now. :lol:


Now that you mentioned,I admit it it's practical.I just realized that you can easily open import beers with it! It comes very handy sometimes! :kickass::lol:
Actually the generic term among the G&L fans for that shape, which is a G&L tradmark now, was an "eye gouger". However one Maidens show I was right up front and had to duck Wanda's stock a couple of times. I realized that the "eye gouger" was more of a skull plow. Somebody getting unruly, you jam them in the dome with that and dig a furrow in their brain pan. So I call it a skull peeler now. :lol:


Puts new meaning to the phrase 'you'll lose an eye'!! :lol: