From the confirmed upcoming releases of 2011...

Wintersun - Time

Its not 100 % confirmed to be this year but im pretty sure its coming since its nearly finished and they're playing some shows on the summer.
Hmm that's exciting. This year will probably be a lot better than last based on this, Summoning, Burzum, Necros Christos, etc.

Add Drudkh, Wolves in the Throne Room, Opeth, Symphony X, and Moonsorrow. . . This year's gonna make me broke. Hopefully they won't let me down as bad as Atheist. To me it sounded like Mastodon released a boring album, realized it was boring, and creditted Atheist for it.
Most posts in the thread don't even address the OP's question, which strictly concerns confirmed releases.

Being a huge Dissection fan, I can't wait till Thulcandra release their new album.