Fuck Anthrax! And yet.....


May 2, 2003
Fortress of Arrogance
......watching that video 6er posted with Dave Mustaine talking about the Big Four shows.....just made me really want Anthrax to blow the other three off the stage.

Despite all the shit Scott and Charlie have talked in recent years, and all the drama, Anthrax will always be - musically - my favourite band of the Big 4. It pisses me off that so many people see them, and in fact, always HAVE seen them, as something of a joke band, despite tunes like "Who Cares Wins", "Belly of the Beast", "Only", "Pieces" etc.

So, while I'm sick to fucking death of the Anthrax soap opera, and the shit Scott continues to talk, I hope the guys blow Slayer, Megadeth and Metallica off the stage on these shows. :rock:

None of the other three have a guitarist that stomps around the stage like a maniac, that should help. :)
I don't think "most" people know that at all. My impression, from reading concert reviews over the past 20 odd years, is that Slayer is the best, most powerful, live band of all of them. The others can be hit and miss.
Slayer always seem to be on top of their game.
Everyone has there own opinion. From clubs to stadiums to every size venue in between at Slayer shows the crowds have an unstoppable energy. They crush live with an unrelenting sound. As performers however I give slayer a C+. even with consistently great crowds slayer have never been a great live act. They have a stellar catalog and should be awesome. Anthrax have the potential to really shine at the show and set the bar quite high. Anthrax are just a stellar live band. They really perform and have a palpable passion and energy that they give to the audience. I think they are going be fuckin great and for this reason and a sense of history I must see this lineup and show. I think Metallica will bring it with a fan favorite set list and Megadeth will be great but they are another band that i think shine more on record and at smaller venues.
I don't think "most" people know that at all. My impression, from reading concert reviews over the past 20 odd years, is that Slayer is the best, most powerful, live band of all of them. The others can be hit and miss.
Slayer always seem to be on top of their game.

it is each to there own,people love diff things for diff reasons,for me pantera and anthrax had the most explosive shows,my all time fave gig was pantera on reinventing the steel tour in sydney australia,ive seen all 4 bands and of course seeing bands in smaller venues is always a bonus.
it is each to there own,people love diff things for diff reasons,for me pantera and anthrax had the most explosive shows,my all time fave gig was pantera on reinventing the steel tour in sydney australia,ive seen all 4 bands and of course seeing bands in smaller venues is always a bonus.

Wow you must've seen Pantera on a good night on that tour. I saw them here in Adelaide, probably 3-4 nights later than your show, and they were shitful. Phil was off his tree and being a complete tool, Rex was bored, and they were simply going through the motions. Sad, cause I saw them on all their other tours here and they were supreme then but their demise was so on the cards from that show.
Megadeth is amazing right now. I've always been a bigger Thrax fan but live Mustaine and Co. are golden. Totally on their game vocally and musically. i'd be delighted if they topped the mighty Megadeth. Bring it on.

I love Bush but his voice would get rough mid tour/mid show etc. Always high energy though.
Wow you must've seen Pantera on a good night on that tour. I saw them here in Adelaide, probably 3-4 nights later than your show, and they were shitful. Phil was off his tree and being a complete tool, Rex was bored, and they were simply going through the motions. Sad, cause I saw them on all their other tours here and they were supreme then but their demise was so on the cards from that show.

phil was off his tree but he still put in a near perfect performance,was the loudest and perfect mix ive heard at a metal show,that combined with the set mainly from fbd which is my fave record made for good memories considering that was the last time i saw them.
Gotta agree with Alex on this one - I've seen all of the big 4 several times and Megadeth are absolutely amazing live with Anthrax a very close 2nd. Other two weren't bad either (understatement).
Megadeth and Slayer are still Amazing live...

I havent seen Anthrax since the SOWN tour which was good.. The Alive II dvd was pretty cool but Anthrax has their work cut out for them if they are planning on blowing anyone off the stage..

Havent seen Metallica since the load tour and that was pretty bad... Cant say I am too impressed with Hetfield's vocals whenever I see any live vids from them.. He ruins songs trying to be a "singer".. Just tuen up teh reverb and scream dude.. Like the old days..
Megadeth and Slayer are still Amazing live...

I havent seen Anthrax since the SOWN tour which was good.. The Alive II dvd was pretty cool but Anthrax has their work cut out for them if they are planning on blowing anyone off the stage..

Havent seen Metallica since the load tour and that was pretty bad... Cant say I am too impressed with Hetfield's vocals whenever I see any live vids from them.. He ruins songs trying to be a "singer".. Just tuen up teh reverb and scream dude.. Like the old days..

They should fire Hetfield as vocalist and recruit a fellow by the name of John Bush.
If Tallica threw a bag of money at Bush to join them for their remaining albums and tours, I'd welcome the change. It would also enable Het to put a bit more gusto into his riff writing.

For John it would be good $$$. But really I can't see it. Unfortunately I think John may retire or--at best--do another album or two with the Saint. If he doesn't want to tour with Anthrax, my bet he sure as hell doesn't want to tour with Metallica. Plus I'd hate to see him taint himself with the crap they've done since '88.