Oh yeah! The practice pad rent... My account has 169,80 € on it, which is 20 cents short from the full amount of the rent... Toni, you fucker!! Pay the goddamn rent!!!
ARSE!!! I have 37,4 C temperature and i'm supposed leave for Helsinki for a practice 5 minutes ago... Guardians of Mankind has a gig tomorrow in Salo. Shit... I feel like i had a horrible hangover. And i have to shit... FUCK!!!
Shit! Nice, the guy who i was supposed crash at in helsinki was completely unaware so i had to drive back... Man, this goddamn fever makes my backpain even worse. Almost cried out loud in the car on the way back. And the 2 and a half hours of double bass in this condition wasn't a treat either...

I hope i'll feel even slightly better tomorrow at the gig and after it when i'm driving home...
36,7 C is classified as normal in finland. I had no idea there are differences that high between countries. Anyway, i feel like i had a horrible hangover...
Anybody have any idea which band has this song with these lyrics on the chorus: "We're kids of the underground... and we're loud as we're tearing down... ...and there's a riot in everyone..."? It's sort of a powerish metal song, really good. I've heard on the radio a few times and they never say the performers name..!