Fuck Floyd Rose! (the fuck floyd rose thread)

try a kahler and then come back to us about floyds ok?

Ugh. You should wash out your mouth soap for using the K-word.

I never had big problems with Floyds. I played them exclusively for about 8 years, both floating and blocked. I don't use the bar a lot, so I only have one FR guitar at the moment. That being said, I'm ultimately more comfortable muting on the Floyd than anything else. The only thing I never liked about the OFR was setting the intonation. Still, most of the gripes that people have about them can be applied to pretty much any floating trem.
You guys must suck at doing setups, or simply had worn out shitty Kahlers..
I never had a problem with any Kahler guitar, ever.. of course not as stable as Floyds, but still very good.
Why the beef with Kahlers? Using a cam/ball bearing system rather than knife edges pivoting makes a whole lot more sense to me, and it seems like all you sacrifice are a) aesthetics (they really are hideous IMO :lol: ), and b) flutter, but that's worth it to me for the apparent stability! (both in terms of tuning and palm-muting)
Ugh. You should wash out your mouth soap for using the K-word.

I never had big problems with Floyds. I played them exclusively for about 8 years, both floating and blocked. I don't use the bar a lot, so I only have one FR guitar at the moment. That being said, I'm ultimately more comfortable muting on the Floyd than anything else. The only thing I never liked about the OFR was setting the intonation. Still, most of the gripes that people have about them can be applied to pretty much any floating trem.

Okay... then maybe I WON'T play a Kahler one of these days...lol

My biggest issue with FR is setting it. I play in different tunings, and setting up a FR for any specific tuning is just plain misery, and takes forever. Setting intonation is even worse. My one guitar with the FR is staying right at the tuning I originally set it at. I'd rather buy another FR equipped guitar if I needed to change tunings !
Stetsbar trems are the shit, but they're pricey as hell. Having said that I don't like trems in general, and would rather pre-bend and release for that divebomb type stuff than deal with trem-related bullshit.
My biggest gripe about Kahlers comes mainly from the weird feel of the bar, and from working on crusty 20-some-year-old Kahlers that have entirely too many moving parts and tension points and consequently take three times as long to get working decently as an OFR in similar condition.
Why not as stable? You were the one who convinced me that Kahlers were awesome in that other thread because of their stability :lol: (or at least, I thought you did :D)

They are awesome, its just that they detune slightly easier then floyds(Kahlers detune when you bend the strings, but not when using the bar.).
But that slight difference, in comparison to all that amount of work in keeping a floyd up to shape, i actually think Kahler wins by far! ;)

So yeah, Kahlers are awesome, but Floyds are better in tuning stability(Not as smooth in the whammy action though.).

Try to get on Ebay and buy a Aria Pro II RS Knight Warrior.. they usually go for about 250$ or something like that, and are AWESOME guitars(Fitted with Kahler Flyer.), and try it out for your self! :)

That model.. it also comes in black:


(Its my baby, so you will see that pic allot on this forum! :lol:)
Thanks for the lowdown Jay, and yeah, I gotta say that is a sexy shape, I'll keep an eye out for one! (reminds me of the non-rounded body sides Carvin DC shape, which I've always loved, almost as much as I hate the ones with rounded sides :lol: )
I have to say that then there is a huge difference in the "guitar culture" over here.. in the store where i work we couldn't get the customers to touch a floyded guitar with a 5feet pole! :lol:

Yes, you did say that they can be useful tools in your other post.. then you continued bashing FLOYDS instead of shitty guitarists.
Next time a shitty guitarist comes in, are you going to flame on the guitar or the amp?

never used the word offensive, just find it funny how you change your pitch when other people come into the thread and agree, then try to protect yourself by saying "oh yeah your right, but the OP is still a tit (more or less)

next time a shitty guitarist comes in, I will blame the guitarist, but in the process I will also curse the floyd rose system to hell and back when Im spending my time (most of which is completely unnecessary) setting up this extremely elaborate rig just so because the guitarist (like most guitarists) NEEDS to use the same bridge as dimebag darrel, cuz its "pro"
:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy Love you guys!!!
We have a beautiful celebration of Trems in other thread and then you bring the Love here also.

++It's not the floyd...its the player++
never used the word offensive, just find it funny how you change your pitch when other people come into the thread and agree, then try to protect yourself by saying "oh yeah your right, but the OP is still a tit (more or less)

next time a shitty guitarist comes in, I will blame the guitarist, but in the process I will also curse the floyd rose system to hell and back when Im spending my time (most of which is completely unnecessary) setting up this extremely elaborate rig just so because the guitarist (like most guitarists) NEEDS to use the same bridge as dimebag darrel, cuz its "pro"

Never used the word offensive?

then other floyd rose users get all offensive until other forum members come to the thread, and basically rehash the info I have posted, and somehow Im still the tit here?!?!?1

I never changed my "pitch".. im an apprentice piano technician/guitar tech at a local music store, my opinion about guitar hardware is pretty much set. ;)

Give it up.. you failed, just accept it and move on with your life.