fuck line 6.


beat defective
Sep 12, 2008
man, i am fed up with line 6.

so, i've got my new mac. installed all my new shit on it, and finally upgraded to cubase 5.

my problem is, that snow leopard runs in full 64 bit mode on it, which is cool, however there are no drivers at all for 64 bit OS X, at all (you've been able to run it in SL before, as on older generation macs, some parts of the kernel still run in 32 bit mode).

i'm fed up with this shit. 64 bit macs have existed for a long fucking time, and they've had YEARS to develop drivers for them.

oh, and to top it all off, they are no longer considering the UX8 as current hard ware, i.e, they are discontinuing it and leaving people like me dead in the water. so, i basically have no audio interface.

it gets better. i supposedly own podfarm platinum by owning this UX8, and without drivers for it, even with a new interface, i can't use it.

thanks a fucking lot, line 6.

now that my rant is over (for now) what do you guys recommend for a 8 in 8 out interface? preferably firewire.

if you want to boot your computer in 32 bit mode just hold 3 & 2 down when booting.

Pretty lame though. At the studio we just got a UAD Quad card and it doesn't support 64 bit OS X. I installed the card and it wasn't recognized. I had to disable the 64 bit kernel. Really freaking weak imo. Granted, not many plugins or DAWs run in 64 bit at this point but its pretty lame I had to do that to the OS to allow the hardware to work.
i've heard some good stuff about the pro 40.

to be honest, i'm more annoyed that i can't use pod farm.

i checked the line 6 forums, and booting in 32 bit mode is the only "fix". it's still crazy though.

that said, the line between 32 bit and 64 bit mode is fuzzy and confusing (for snow leopard), to say the best. it's not as clear cut as you may think. basically, the first generation of 64 bit macs aren't actually 64 bit, they have 64 bit CPUs, but other hardware in there (the northbridge) is 32 bit. there are different parts of the OS that can run in 64 bit and 32 bit, and they're interchangeable. to support the older macs with SL, apple have made SL run what it can in 64 bit mode, and 32 bit mode for the rest.

32 bit driver support is included in this mode of running, although other parts of the OS run in 64 bit mode.

anyways, my old mac was one of these older macs, and because of this, it still only supports 4gb of ram, and so fourth, and SL runs with a 32 bit kernel. this is no longer the case with my mac pro. it runs in full 64 bit mode, and hence, by default, the UX8 doesn't work with it.

it still stands, that 64 bit has existed in force since the release of SL (mid 09), existed in OS X since leopard (late 07), and been on the road map since mid-way through tiger's life time (around 2006).

seriously, what the fuck.

Just don't. Making my head hurt.

basically, the first generation of 64 bit macs aren't actually 64 bit, they have 64 bit CPUs, but other hardware in there (the northbridge) is 32 bit. there are different parts of the OS that can run in 64 bit and 32 bit, and they're interchangeable. to support the older macs with SL, apple have made SL run what it can in 64 bit mode, and 32 bit mode for the rest.
haha, it is confusing as hell!

the sapphire 40/56 both look really good.. question really is, what's in the 56 that justifies the near double price increase?

I'm still really, really fucking confused - does SL boot to 64 bit on default? I could've SWORN it booted to 32 on default and you had to force it into 64 (regardless of hardware) by holding 6 and 4 while booting.
aha, yes, SL boots to 64 bit by default, as long as the hardware supports it.

perhaps it was leopard that behaved like that?

Just to clarify. All Intel processors post Prescott arch supports 64-bit. The NB isn't 32-bit in the sense of arch or registers, they've just hamstrung it by not adding physical address pins beyond 32-bit to save layout costs as well as delineating models. The 945/965 chipsets support up to 36bit physical address space. Apple has further hamstrung all non-Pro models from running 64-bit by not adding EFI extension for it. This prevents it from chainloading a 64-bit boot stub.

Just to clarify. All Intel processors post Prescott arch supports 64-bit. The NB isn't 32-bit in the sense of arch or registers, they've just hamstrung it by not adding physical address pins beyond 32-bit to save layout costs as well as delineating models. The 945/965 chipsets support up to 36bit physical address space. Apple has further hamstrung all non-Pro models from running 64-bit by not adding EFI extension for it. This prevents it from chainloading a 64-bit boot stub.


Sooo glad I left Apple many years ago!

Freedom! :wave:
Just to clarify, when you hold down 3+2 or 6+4 when booting up, you're changing the KERNEL boot. But a 32-bit kernel can still boot a 64-bit application.



A 32-bit processor can only run 32-bit stuff.
A 64-bit processor can run 32-bit and 64-bit stuff.
(stuff can be system, kernel, applications, drivers, etc)

So you need a 64-bit processor to run 64-bit anything

On a 64-bit processor:
A 32-bit Kernel can run both 32 and 64 bit applications.
A 64-bit Kernel can run both 32 and 64 bit applications.

A 32-bit Kernel can load only 32-bit kexts (kernel extensions).
A 64-bit Kernel can load only 64-bit kexts (kernel extensions).

My point being... you can use your 32bit kernel + 32bit drivers for your UX8 (why the fuck are you using that piece of shit anyway??? You should KNOW at birth that Line 6 don't do quality soundcards) and still use 64bit Logic and 64bit vsts/aus or whatever else you use. You'll probably need a wrapper for your 32bit Podfarm though.
I have 4 interfaces - and have owned a couple M-Audio's that I ditched. My newest one is a Focusrite Sapphire 6 and I can honestly say it's the finest I've ever used on both my Mac system and my Windows 7 machine. It's built like a tank (no cheap plastic here - it's metal) and the sound is just beautiful. It puts my Line 6 and Presonus to shame (also the M-Audios I've owned). I can retire the others now cause I'm sold on Focusrite. Great Drivers too for both Windows 7 32 & 64 and Mac OS X too. Go with Focusrite - you'll be glad you did. The only upgrades I could forsee is a BETTER Focusrite model - but for just Guitar and 1 Mic the Sapphire 6 is all I need at present.
man, i am fed up with line 6.

so, i've got my new mac. installed all my new shit on it, and finally upgraded to cubase 5.

my problem is, that snow leopard runs in full 64 bit mode on it, which is cool, however there are no drivers at all for 64 bit OS X, at all (you've been able to run it in SL before, as on older generation macs, some parts of the kernel still run in 32 bit mode).

i'm fed up with this shit. 64 bit macs have existed for a long fucking time, and they've had YEARS to develop drivers for them.

oh, and to top it all off, they are no longer considering the UX8 as current hard ware, i.e, they are discontinuing it and leaving people like me dead in the water. so, i basically have no audio interface.

it gets better. i supposedly own podfarm platinum by owning this UX8, and without drivers for it, even with a new interface, i can't use it.

thanks a fucking lot, line 6.

now that my rant is over (for now) what do you guys recommend for a 8 in 8 out interface? preferably firewire.


I know a way to make your mac work as a 32bit Kernel software mode. It's still 64 bit but it give preference to 32bit and then alll gay6 products will work on your computer… THAT'S A REALLY GREAT SHIT but.... here we go!!

Open Macintosh HD>>Library>Preferences>SystemConfiguration>com.apple.Boot.plist

ok that's the file which tells the computer to wake up 64bit or 32bit. don't be afraid you can't break the computer touching this file.
Make 2 copies of that file, one of them to your desktop to be able to edit it.
Open it with standar text edit. And you'll see:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<key>Kernel Flags</key>

simply change that arch=x86_64 to

Save file.
replace it from the original folder.

reboot, and all line 6 products will be working again.
hey guys, thanks for the help.

i already have my mac running in 32 bit mode for now (it's arch=i386 ;) ). yes, i'm aware that i can still run 64 bit programs and such, in this mode, but it's far from perfect. every time a 64 bit app makes a system call to a 32bit kernel, the CPU has to do a context switch, and for an IO intensive program, like say.. cubase, this is actually quite noticeable.

i can mix at 32 samples just fine in full 64 bit mode, which is nice to see. but in 32 bit mode, it quite often just crackles like hell, and the lowest it will go is 128 samples. might seem like i'm being whiney, but 64 samples is what i'm aiming for. it's the main reason i spent such a stupid amount on a computer (it's a 12-core mac pro..).

anyways, drew_drummer is right, the UX8 isn't exactly great (although it's not that bad..!). i'm basically stuck with it, unless i want to lose pod farm (which a lot of my current projects are using right now). still, i'm not gonna be holding on to it for too long...
