Fuck the Japanese who play CoD4


May 29, 2008
I'm normally a good sport when I'm getting my ass kicked in a game but this is rediculous. They all use the same clan tag so its them against people who have never heard of teamwork. You can't run more than 5 paces without getting hit by a frag that bounced off a column then off the top of a wall and finally lands under your right foot, (Oh but they meant for it to go under your left) or getting swarmed by all 9 of them at once. It doesn't help wither that my connection has yet to be above 2 bars when playing against them so if I do catch one not being superhuman I empty an entire clip on him only for him to turn around and kill me in 3 shots. I wish my headset still worked so I could talk shit in the lobby.

Get this game if you don't have it, bitches.
Haha. It really is the best 1st peson shooter I've played. It's just irritating when you have a shit connection.
I'm normally a good sport when I'm getting my ass kicked in a game but this is rediculous. They all use the same clan tag so its them against people who have never heard of teamwork. You can't run more than 5 paces without getting hit by a frag that bounced off a column then off the top of a wall and finally lands under your right foot, (Oh but they meant for it to go under your left) or getting swarmed by all 9 of them at once. It doesn't help wither that my connection has yet to be above 2 bars when playing against them so if I do catch one not being superhuman I empty an entire clip on him only for him to turn around and kill me in 3 shots. I wish my headset still worked so I could talk shit in the lobby.

and you're not playing Mercenary TDM because...? ;)
I forgot all about the 360. I'm on PS3. My tag is LotusSmoker. Though I don't smoke. I just kept throwing words together until something was free.

Since I've been out of a job my routine is guitar, CoD, more guitar, more CoD, foodage, repeat.
I forgot all about the 360. I'm on PS3. My tag is LotusSmoker. Though I don't smoke. I just kept throwing words together until something was free.

Since I've been out of a job my routine is guitar, CoD, more guitar, more CoD, foodage, repeat.

Hahaha yeah, I will add ya, dude :kickass: My Nickname is


Pics or it didn't happen! ...lol

Hahahaha I forgot to make a photo of the toilet mess after the 4 days :lol:
In all seriousness tho, i dont get any fun on consoles these days. I find the shooters really "low res" and can stand playing them especially with the game pads. Football games though... definitely for consoles!
Dude I just bought COD4 for my 360 like fucking 30 minutes ago! I can't wait to play it, but I have to track some vocals before I go to work, so it will have to wait :( I'm guessing i'm in for a good time, eh?
If it's anything like the COD 1 multiplayer was, it'll be a mix between CS and somewhat resembling something remotely tactical.

Besides, we all know great multiplayer shooters died with Rogue Spear :)
Dude I just bought COD4 for my 360 like fucking 30 minutes ago! I can't wait to play it, but I have to track some vocals before I go to work, so it will have to wait :( I'm guessing i'm in for a good time, eh?

Dude, everyone talks about the multiplayer, and it is incredibly addicting, but the single player is absolutely white-knuckle action and storytelling, fantastically cinematic and great characters, you'll love it! Hands down best FPS I've ever played