fuck this


Nov 7, 2006
Canada, moving soon
i'm trying for a week to learn a CoB song but it is fricking impossible. the solos are too too fast, or the notes are too high(and my board is small) and many songs i need a floyd rose

fuck this, i'm not good enough to play CoB yet... i'm tunning my guitar back to standard and go play iron maiden or anything else that doesnt have sweep picking up to my ass

the only thing i learn this week was the damnation game intro at like half speed(SX is dropped to D too but they are even harder than CoB)

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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LoL dude relax...try playing smt less harder first...for example some of Metallicas old songs...and if you wanna learn sweep...imo begin with 3 string sweeps then work your way up to 4 and 5...
-[chop]-;5594309 said:
LoL dude relax...try playing smt less harder first...for example some of Metallicas old songs...and if you wanna learn sweep...imo begin with 3 string sweeps then work your way up to 4 and 5...

i can sweet. i can play the whole damnation game intro, even the tapping part. the only problem is that i cannot get to full speed... but like u said i have to practice more... i just won't play metallica cuz they suck :loco:
well you cant expect to play Cob after 9 months, Ive been playing for years now and stil find some Cob solos difficult, just out of interest what Cob song were you trying to play?
well you cant expect to play Cob after 9 months, Ive been playing for years now and stil find some Cob solos difficult, just out of interest what Cob song were you trying to play?

tough question, i tried lots :lol:
the ones i had more progress with were needled 24/7, silent night bodom night and black widow
Don't give up, just keep playing it you will eventually get it. Everyone thinks this at one time or another
almost 9 months

WOW. You're playing stuff that's WAY out of your league. You're making a good choice by learning easier stuff.

There's 2 ways you can do it imo:

1. Learn all the hard songs and just keep practising them for months/years.


2. Learn easier songs/licks and play loads.

If you do (1) then you'll probably become faster, quicker but you'll suck because speed will take priority instead of decent tone from the fingers and good control.

If you go by (2), then you'll progress a bit slower but when you go to try harder stuff in a few years, it won't actually seem that hard because you would have already gained the control and the speed will be natural without you even noticing.
i think its interesting how a person like alexi or anyother guitar god can just pick the instrument up and play some incredible riff... and what that sounds like versus someone who is just starting. The level of akwardness must suck when one is a newbie guitar player :D

yeah, but alexi didn't just pick the guitar, he plays since he is 11... and he droped school to dedicate himself t the music.
Practice, practice... um, what was the other thing?? Oh yeh, practice.

But congrats man, that song is cool, nice vid. I have 5 months guitar experience and I sucked bad and gave up :p I'm so dedicated! :lol: But trust me, in a year from now you'll be pwning the finger board and making the girlies go "WOW" ;)
Try easier songs,slower songs and work your way up.:)

She's right or maybe just try to play the rhythm part and when you think you're ready for COB's Lead part, try it !

When I started to play electric guitar, I first started with Green Day (I fucking hate them but it's a good start) then I played a little bit harder stuff and so on... Just don't give up. Now I've been playing for one year and a half and there's guitar player's who's been playing for like 4-5 years and they're looking at me playing and they say "OMFG you're way better than me !!" (But I truely don't know how I got this good...:erk: XD). Maybe a proof that harsh work is a good way to play harder stuff ^^ !