FUCK YEAH, now I REALLY got me a bass!


Feb 20, 2005

Used MIM Fender Jazz, excellent condition, with a Leo Quan Badass II Bridge and Bartolini pickups (dunno which models, don't really care, all I know is it's all passive!), that fucking sexy as all hell pickguard, as well as an SKB hardshell case, all for $540 shipped! :headbang: Gonna take it to get set up and strung up in C-standard soon, cuz while I can setup a guitar well enough for my tastes, I wanna leave bass duty to a pro, at least the first time (I'll just watch and learn, I'm cool with the guy at my local music store :D) Clips will come then, just wanted to share my elation now! (after the debacle that was my first bass :ill: Bought and sold within a week!)
Love the Jazz Bass too, it has a really wide range of tones, unlike the P Bass, which often just sounds muddy. Just add some grit and turn down the neck pickup volume so that you've got more bridge pickup and you're set.

Now if there only was a 5-string with a MM pickup in the bridge and a J pickup in the neck, with the same ergonomics as a Jazz Bass. That would destroy.
Thanks guys!

So, what's up with the Roadster? :D

Nice bass, btw!

Roadster's next on the priority list, but I've wanted a bass for ages!

awesome man! congrats!. I jealous! my peavey millennium 5 string is decent, but the action is super high, and the pickups are muddy and dark :( I Want a 5 string pbass :(

Why P-bass? I dunno, seems like Jazzes are way more popular for metal, I feel like they grind more

congrats, slap a red tortise shell pickguard on there and you're golden.

Uhh, yeah, that's a pass, I actually think the red tortoise is one of the ugliest things in all of guitar aesthetics (just so goddamn old and crusty :lol: ) I really like the blue pearloid personally!

What? What happened?

I didn't wanna deal with that metallic chorus-y sound the other bass had (that I detailed in that thread), so even if it might have disappeared in a mix, I just didn't wanna take that chance!
Nice. I just got myself a Deluxe Active Jazz a couple weeks ago... love the thing! And yeah, they do grind more than the P; the P sounds kinda thuddy to me... The J has a nice nasty growl to it.
Not as good as my bass :p

Nah, seriously man, congrats. A dad of my friend owns a MIM Jazz bass and it sounds good and feel nice, so enjoy!
Only thing I might be worried about is the pickups - IME, Bartolini's sound absolutely fan-fucking-tastic with fingers, but can get shrill and scratchy on the top end with a pick. YMMV tho, hope it works out.
Only thing I might be worried about is the pickups - IME, Bartolini's sound absolutely fan-fucking-tastic with fingers, but can get shrill and scratchy on the top end with a pick. YMMV tho, hope it works out.

Thanks for the heads-up dude, good to be aware of!
Congrats mate. A friend of mine used to own a few basses with the Bartolinis in them, but he was solely a finger player so I have no idea how they'd react with pick. All I recall was that it always sounded better on active mode.
I have an Ibanez bass, sitting in the next room to me in fact, it has Bartolinis in there. As they say, about 75 per cent of the tone comes from your fingers, and I've noticed because people's pick attack varies, for some you get that scratchy sound, whereas for other players it sounds smoother purely because they approach playing with a pick differently.