FUCK YEAH, now I REALLY got me a bass!

Two tracks. One low-passed at 339hz (keep in mind. Nuendo Q is screwy so that probably wont convert to other EQ plugs that nicely) and compressed so its just HOW MUCH RUMBLE DO U WANT LOL control.
The other is high-passed at 1.2khz. 5db boost at 1.9khz and an 8.5db boost at 4.6hz.
Compressed, then an instance of gClip for a volume boost, TSS with the settings of: 1.35 drive, 10 tone and 5 level (so as not to grunge it up much at all, just to really accentuate that clank :D) and then voxengo boogex with s-preshigh.wav impulse. bringin teh fredman
Bass group has some compression, then an EQ cutting -5db of 100hz, and rolling off at 10khz, and multiband compressing smushing everything below 100hz. And yeah it's a tad thin, but I can't judge sublows for shit on this and it seems like all the mxies I've enjoyed recently from this forum actually have fairly thin sounding bass, but it's still filling in that frequency range, which is what matters I guess.
Cool dude, thanks for the lowdown, that's a fuckload of stuff, but it'll be that much more to experiment with when mixing time for my EP comes around! Not too sure about that boost at 1.9k though, as I thought it sounded a touch nasally; maybe bringing it down to a 3 dB boost would help, but again, hard to tell on its own! How come you high-passed the grit track at 1.2k though? (rather than, say, a bit closer to 339 Hz :D)
I thought it was a fairly simple chain but okay haha
And why high-pass the grit track at 1.2? Cos it sounded good. I was going for a fairly scooped, clanky sound, and I tried scooping some midz with an eq on the group track and I just wasn't feeling it.