No, right-wingers! Please don't run away to live in canada (/sarcasm).

i love that crap, i remember when left wingers were saying they were gonna do that - such non sense.
At least it makes sense when liberals say it. Conservatives seeking asylum in Canada is like homophobes hiding in a bar called the "Man Hole."
also, i'm pretty befuddled by those who bitch about religion in government, then say they're glad that obama won over mccain...mccain isn't a very religious guy whatsoever, while obama throws at least a few lines/references from the bible into almost every speech he gives. that's not to claim that he's going to try to continue to send this country down the path of christian fundamentalism, but he's definitely way more into god/jesus/religion than mccain is.

I think you totally missed the point...it has almost nothing to do with McCain.

wow, what a read. 4 pages and running...

as one of the oldest americans on this board i have to say - a major weight was lifted from my shoulders last night when they announced Obama won. a weight that started when bush took office back in 2000 and tripled in 2004. i have typically voted democratic - but this isn't about being "blue" or "red", it's about having a competent human-being in the highest office of our country that's intelligent and has the capacity to make decisions that will benefit the majority of americans - and those who need it the most.

i've been around long enough to see more than a few presidents come and go. i have never seen a president as stupid as bush, democrat or republican, and hope never to again. i don't mean stupid as in "he was a smart guy, just made a few bad moves", but "stupid" as in "no intelligence, brainless, dazed, deficient, dense, dim, doltish, dopey, dull, dumb". you get the point. not only did that deficiency harm our country in more ways than i can count, most of the worse of which we are experiencing right now, but tarnished our reputation and how the world looks at us. do i really give a rat's ass what a german thinks about me? somedays yes, somedays no. i don't predicate my every move and action on what someone else thinks - but also do not deny in every way this world is becoming smaller and we must depend on each other to move it forward.

i believe Obama will bring thoughtful introspection and well thought-out decisions back to the oval office. i believe he will represent our country well here, and abroad, because he is a good speaker and can think well on his feet. most importantly, i believe Obama has the capacity to make good decisions and will. not because those decisions are popular or what someone wants him to do in exchange for tons of money under the table - but what HE feels is the right thing for this country. for those reasons i'm looking at this country in a new light today, something i lost eight years ago. i'm looking forward to the next four years.
Yeah, I'm not all that old but today is the first time I have ever been hopeful for this country. It's a very strange feeling, I'm not still not used to it.. it's like, I almost can't even believe a politician could make some good decisions for us, but now maybe there's a glimmer of hope otherwise.

very hard to grasp right now... we'll see if he actually pans out.
You americans should be proud of having a president that is smart , has a nice speech, and really wants to do something to change. ANything different than Bush, is good, IMHO. McCain didn't look as stupid as Bush, but seeing from outside, the country needed something really different, a big turnaround.

We have a president here that drinks too much, spends too much time travelling overseas and can't even speak his own language well. And has only 9 fingers!!!

I am really happy you guys have someone who ressembles a leader!
All of you have great post. and being black i can tell you what this means for us.
first Obama broke a barrier that we thought that we never would and for blacks there are positives in this and there are negatives. one positive is that it shows that we can be moving to better race relations between whites and blacks. I mean if Obama does a good job as president, then maybe some of the hardcore racist people can change their opinion of blacks ( i know...little chance). The negative in this is, he will be looked at with a microscope by the bigots and if he does a bad job then it will confirm their opinion of us as stupid people who are good at nothing but sports. will racism ever end....no, i mean the guys in my old band had a little bit in them. they like to think they didn't but i know they did. the black jokes they used to tell me as if it was ok to tell them to me cause i was in the band with them. I've even had white guys tell me " you're cool for a black guy...i don't consider you a my pals" like I was suppose to be cool with that. and i understand they didn't know what they were saying but i know what they say when i'm not around. the point I'm making...there are some white people who voted for him that have it in the back of their minds that he's gonna fuck up.
there are some white people who voted for him that have it in the back of their minds that he's gonna fuck up.

naw, i don't think so. if there was, they were definitely the minority. i'm white and i'm like 'HELL YA!! OBAMA, KICK SOME MOTHER FUCKIN' ASS DUDE!!!!'. it's the media in american that's needs an emema.

there is no doubt WHOEVER took this office was gonna have an uphill battle. McCain would have had his hands full too. it'll be the media, as always, that makes this a circus. it's suppose to be about ALL of us working toward a better union, not 1. if he fails, i honestly believe it's because we all failed. we all need to be vested in this. we all need to make an effort to get things back on track.

and dude, those people you knew in bands were fucking idiots. plain and simple. my president could be purple, blue or green, i don't give a shit - as long as they're intelligent, honest and make a positive difference! Obama's that guy.
I think that people (generally, not necessarily in this thread) need to start bracing for the fact that Obama has a lot of really big challenges before him, and likely won't live up to a lot of people's expectations. That's really through no fault of his own, mind you. However, the unfortunate side-effect of a lot of the "Hope, Change, Progress" rhetoric is that a some people seem to think that he's going to fix everything. He can't. He could make the right judgment call on everything put before him and it still won't fix everything. And, he's going to make mistakes--everybody does. It's going to take a few years to get past the current economic problems, then there's the war issues, then there's the other foreign policy issues, and the illegal immigration issues. Also, there's the Social Security and Medicare issues since the Obama Presidency is going to see the Boomers start retiring during his first term. After that, there's the question of delivering on campaign promises.

I hope he does well. I don't envy him one bit.
i couldnt be more happy with the outcome, if this guy can run the country like he ran his campain we are in good hands, he defeated the clintons and the right wing smear machine. Im very proud of my country for electing the guy with the brains and the "worth a shot" ideas. Id have a beer with mccain anyday, its just with palin, and his stance on healthcare, and basically any policy he tried to outline, the dude is losing his bearings a bit. I thought Mccains speech was very good too. couldnt be happier though.......
one positive is that it shows that we can be moving to better race relations between whites and blacks

True, but I dont think that race played that big of a part to most voters in many states. People in my generation (early 30's) and those after I dont really think in terms of racial differences, most people that think like that are a part of the older generations--those that lived during the segregation days. I voted for Obama because he was the more intelligent, had better policies/agenda, and held more of my views.

I see this election as a return to decency and forward thinking, as opposed to the imperial type and buffoonish leadership we have now
Here's something for you to think about when it comes to the whole "Vote for Change" thing of Obama. Democratic, Conservative, same thing, different face. Powers behind campaigns, either "left" or "right" and putting eithet McCain or Obama in office want the interests for their investments. These powers have an agenda.
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Oh no! you busted out Alex Jones. Conspiracy time, I'll bring the tin foil. Go on IMDB search for the movie "2012" (2009) Look who plays the president. We are all dead! :rolleyes:
But wait, I'm not done! (I did forget about the nude pics)