Because that's what a signing ceremony is? Welcome to American politics.

If you see the last line:

"Conversely, laws that are passed reluctantly or are controversial are often signed into law quietly and privately without any public ceremony."

Is more or less what I was referring to.

"Hey guys, lets scare the American public by telling them that the only thing that will put food on our tables will be to pass this bill super quickly, not even allowing representatives to read the thing. Then lets have a nice little ceremony for a very ill-regarded piece of legislature while stressing how totally transparent we are. Whats that? I don't understand the hypocrisy of loading a bunch of people into private airplanes to sign this bill? Bullshit, it's important, we have to do this all show-like. Wait, what? You're telling me that according to our own math, 30,000 people lost their jobs while we waited to sign this bill in this ceremony? Bullshit, it was a weekend! Anyway, boys and girls, we have a national TV signing spectacle to do. HASTE guys. We wouldn't want to keep the camera's waiting!"

This last week took every bit of hope I had gained in Obama from the first little bit and spit it back into my face.

The bill and all of its changes in conference committee are up online. You can physically see in someone's horrible handwriting where the Senate and House differed, met in committee, and resolved the issue to eventually pass the bill. This thing has gone through the House and Senate TWICE in different iterations before being signed by the exec, this is hardly a secretive or shadily passed piece of legislation.

The final bill, the 1400 page fucker full of the changes that were made from the first senate passing was not put online (or even into the hands of congressman aside from the privileged) till the wee hours of the morning of the DAY the house and senate went through it's second vote. Democrats and Republicans a like were miffed with the fact that an order they passed themselves that would allow 3 days of reading time for the bill was ignored for due to a few people's vacation plans and Obama's supposed screams for urgency. The 3 days would have changed nothing, considering the next 4 days Obama was having an extended weekend.

I sure fucking didn't read it. I think I got to page 60 by the time it passed. Somewhere around page 80 I just gave up. After witnessing 1400 pages allowed 90 minutes of debate, I lost my will.

Ill regarded by who? It passed 246-183 in the House and 60-38 in the Senate.

I think you answered your own question there.

That's how economics works folks, a stimulus bill is by necessity a spending bill. Sure, at an individual level it is better to spend than save, but speaking on a macroeconomic level saving during this serious recession will kill our economy.

Spending yes... but extreme increases in government spending (AMONG OTHER THINGS) of money we don't have? I thought we learned how bad that idea was the first time around. Or the second time... OH WAIT THIRD TIMES THE CHARM.

Again, welcome to American politics, the PRESIDENT has a signing ceremony to pass the largest spending bill in history, yet you think this is worse than Republican grandstanding during the past two weeks purposefully delaying the bill is fine because it went largely under the radar.

Let's celebrate the still compounding massive debt our future will have to pay off, with not even the slightest guarantee that this will have any effect. Sounds great!

I don't even know what this means. The stimulus bill NEEDED TO BE PASSED! Do you not understand that if a Republican had been in the Oval Office a stimulus bill would still have been passed? This is an unprecedented American economic crisis which obviously calls for unprecedented measures. Republicans are the ones who hoping, only for political gain, that the stimulus fails and the economy goes even further into the shitter so that they look good for the 2010 midterms and beyond. Republicans will only gain at the expense of the American economy, and they are hoping for it!

A completely stimulus bill would have been passed. And NO ONE but the obamanator would have been on TV EVERY FUCKING NIGHT telling us how we're doomed without his plan. That his plan is the saving grace of all. And that we will face the fire and brimstone a poor man without it. That's called fear-mongering.

I don't believe republicans are hoping for economic collapse for political gain. Granted, I can sure see how some might be thinking of it in the dark corner of their mind after the way they were treated in congress over the last month. They offered hundreds of alternatives and various amendments that were extremely viable in the context of the bill that were ignored or played off as "wasting time", after being asked for their input in a bipartisan manner. That's why you saw 3 total congressional republicans vote for the bill.

I'm sick the economy. I'm going hippy.
I don't even know what this means. The stimulus bill NEEDED TO BE PASSED! Do you not understand that if a Republican had been in the Oval Office a stimulus bill would still have been passed? This is an unprecedented American economic crisis which obviously calls for unprecedented measures. Republicans are the ones who hoping, only for political gain, that the stimulus fails and the economy goes even further into the shitter so that they look good for the 2010 midterms and beyond. Republicans will only gain at the expense of the American economy, and they are hoping for it!

The recession seen in the early 80's was far worse than what we are experiencing today. Tighten the amount of government spending, offer tax breaks to big business, deregulate to discourage outsourcing, stifle these labor union fucktards, start slashing away at the overbloated bureaucracy, Jobs will be lost, but who gives a shit when it's for the greater good? Instituting a porkulas package which ensures nothing aside from a few potholes being repaired and expanded welfare for social leeches who have already been riding our dollar well before things went awry is nothing more than liberal panic. Actually, it's not panic at all, as dems thrive on an unstable economy in order to implement their hasty socialist agenda unfettered and unopposed. Nick, despite their positions in society, these morons are incapable of mustering up a plan that would stimulate the groin of a 69 yr old man, let alone of a slumping economy that has burst like a cum bubble in Cara DeAngelis' throat.

Let the system of capitalism smooth itself out on it's own.
that's the whole idea ... to embarass yourself. why do it otherwise? :lol:
When I've had a few weeks to make it look like a man's furry larvae, fine. While growing it, please no.
Listen here Mr. Sweden man

I...never mind. I cant think of anything right now
Feel free to get back to me when you think of something
You could always send your kids to Sweden for hellbanger unwimp winter camp..? Bring warm clothes & big spikes!
in sweden you don't even really even have to endure stupid questions for having long hair

the only person i can think of who hasn't approved of my hair was my grandma
Not even close to true tbh, but stupid questions != total resentment and rejection

i can't recall

well okay you get the occasional "haha you enjoy heavy rock what a funny joke this is" but not even disapproval
yeah, that's what I meant pretty much, files under 'stupid questions' imo

edit: if rephrased to "haha do you enjoy heavy rock? what a funny joke this is"

In germany the only people who dislike long hair are the skinheads who call you a Zecke[tick] (equivalent of: leftie/hippie/whatever). Otherwise nobody cares.

scruffy beard + long hair = perfectly fine to go on-site with the customer, just wear a shirt with a collar.
In germany the only people who dislike long hair are the skinheads who call you a Zecke[tick] (equivalent of: leftie/hippie/whatever). Otherwise nobody cares.

scruffy beard + long hair = perfectly fine to go on-site with the customer, just wear a shirt with a collar.
You're a Zecke even if you look like a hellthrashin neckbreakin skullbangin niggabeatin nsbm warrior 14/88?

Beard+long hair can look "business" too if well kept and stuff like that. Myself, I try to at least keep mine clean for the most part.
You're a Zecke even if you look like a hellthrashin neckbreakin skullbangin niggabeatin nsbm warrior 14/88?

Beard+long hair can look "business" too if well kept and stuff like that. Myself, I try to at least keep mine clean for the most part.

Yes, retarded ain't it.

As to the second bit; in europe yes, in america the free: no.
i'm fundamentally incapable of looking "business" so it's a good thing i have a job where i get to dress like a slob
Cool people never aim to be 'successful.' If they happen to be successful it's entirely incidental.
Cool people never aim to be 'successful.' If they happen to be successful it's entirely incidental.

well or in fact, cool people always aim to be successful, they just have a different definition of "success" than most

which, i suppose, is why you put the word in quotes
i'm sorry to say this but wii mario kart really sucks compared to every mario kart that came before it