We should probably just go ahead and try and seceed again. Virginia is on it's own this time, though. And, Texas, well, who cares?
Chase take over WaMU. JP Morgan Chase is the most sinister corporation on the planet. Get ready to sell your soul folks.
Meh, I know nothing about their previous business transactions, nor do I care. What I do know is that we were spared the 30 billion dollars we were reportedly going to fork over to save W.Mutual had a deal not been reached. Hell, sell every bank to JP Morgan Chase, and let's end this mess!

Aurel, the next bank rumored to be on the chopping block is Wachovia. BoA, Citi, and Wells Fargo are all doing decent/well.
JP Morgan Chase is the most sinister corporation on the planet. Get ready to sell your soul folks.

I agree. They by far have the most fees for personal accounts of any bank, back pretty much most of the "store" credit cards out there and are guilty on some of the highest finance % rates for Credit Cards.

They do most of their business with corporate lending ... I wonder what their rep is like in that area.
Store credit cards bump up your credit score. Just buy things on sale and pay them off the same month. No interest but rating goes up. Who cares anymore really? The USA will be an insane "free for all" freak show for years to come. Hallelujah! :lol:
Credit Scores are the work of this nonsense we are in the midst of right now with the financial crisis ... what other country has a "credit score" for individuals ... based on never fully explained criteria?
Store credit cards bump up your credit score. Just buy things on sale and pay them off the same month. No interest but rating goes up. Who cares anymore really? The USA will be an insane "free for all" freak show for years to come. Hallelujah! :lol:

Bro, you don't want to have too many lines of credit open in your name. Who shops at any one particular store often enough to warrant a credit line?! The discounts that come with the credit become null when you take the high interest rates in to account. It's sickening to see everyone living off their future earnings, which are uncertain at best. Get laid off, get hit by a bus, get the H.I.V, then what?!?! Oh yea Chapter 7. :erk:
Another VERY REAL danger here is not just fat cats losing their money or greedy speculators losing their asses, it is everyone. If the banking system collapses, the dollar drops to nothing on the world market, and it will not matter how many of them you have in the bank, they will be worth nothing. Keep in mind it is just paper, and without world confidence and belief that a vibrant and powerful economic system is behind that paper money, you might as well use it as wall paper.

Time to start buying Euros or Yen. Woohoo.
The FDIC has 45 billion deposited in it. Wouldn't it make more sense to have this bail out money deposited in to the FDIC?!? At least we would have a sizable safety net if Wall Street is brought to it's knees, rather than loaning money to the fat cats who will divert it in to their personal savings accounts.

It has taken me 8 years to say it but, "Fuck Bush".
I may have posted the following or something similar at this (or another) forum in the past. Sorry if it's a repeat. If so, it bears repeating in this thread.

A Brief History of Sin

Now is it bihovely thyng to telle whiche been the sevene deedly synnes, this is to seyn, chiefaynes of synnes. Alle they renne in o lees, but in diverse manneres. Now been they cleped chieftaynes, for as muche as they been chief and spryng of alle othere synnes.
--Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales

People have always been immoral, shiftless, self-gratifying, good-for-nothing shits. But for ages, humankind struggled to find a conceptual system to operationalize their spiritual shortcomings. The challenge was formidable: the system had to be complex and inclusive enough to implicate a vast range of disgusting behavior, yet simple and memorable enough to inspire guilt in an illiterate peasant.

According to Sacred Origins of Profound Things, by Charles Panati, Greek monastic theologian Evagrius of Pontus first drew up a list of eight offenses and wicked human passions:. They were, in order of increasing seriousness: gluttony, lust, avarice, sadness, anger, acedia, vainglory, and pride. Evagrius saw the escalating severity as representing increasing fixation with the self, with pride as the most egregious of the sins. Acedia (from the Greek "akedia," or "not to care") denoted "spiritual sloth."

... http://deadlysins.com/sins/history.html



What it is: Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness.

Why you do it: You live in possibly the most pampered, consumerist society since the Roman Empire.

Your punishment in Hell will be: You'll be boiled alive in oil. Bear in mind that it's the finest, most luxurious boiling oil that money can buy, but it's still boiling.

Associated symbols & suchlike: Greed is linked with the frog and the color yellow.


Medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas said of Greed: "it is a sin directly against one's neighbor, since one man cannot over-abound in external riches, without another man lacking them... it is a sin against God, just as all mortal sins, inasmuch as man contemns things eternal for the sake of temporal things." (2, 118, ad 1)
The Travelers' Guide to Hell says Greed is ruled by the celestial sign of Mercury. This book actually mentions the Seven Deadly Sins Homepage! It's a must-have. I urge you to buy several copies. You are growing sleepy. You want this book. You need this book. When you awake, you will feel rested and will go buy this book. [<<< heh]


Boiled alive in oil, like a French fry. *tssssssssss
Credit Scores are the work of this nonsense we are in the midst of right now with the financial crisis ... what other country has a "credit score" for individuals ... based on never fully explained criteria?
5 stars
Primordial's Myspace blog said:


Are we witnessing the death of the Milton Freidmanite free
market capitalist model that we have known in the West since Thatcher and
Reagan adopted it in the early 80’s ?. Certainly the signs are there with the
spectacular collapse of the property market and financial institutions around
the first world but more specifically the West that Freidmans Harvard school
economic concept has turned inwards on itself. Swamped by sheer unbridled greed
by the corporates who have been using and abusing it for their own ends for the
last 25 to 30 years. Now the taxpayer is being asked to bail out the
institutions once the money has been made and the top % of crooks have long
since left the building. Looks like you are going to be left drowning in
negative equity holding the baby on this one my friends. Roosevelt would be
turning in his grave.

.. ......

For anyone who doesn’t know anything about it, the Milton
Freidman model of economics is based on the theory that the market regulates
itself and that the Government should not interfere under any circumstances.
Healthcare, education and food are not rights but simply other facets of a
fluctuating market that in theory balances itself out. Essentially greed
regulates and everything is incentivised through figures. Hence why for example
the Bank of England sets interest rates in the UK and not the Government or why
Bush set about fully dismantling the States welfare system with even more zest
then Clinton, Bush Snr. And Reagan before him. Simply finishing off the good

Google it. We live in an age where politics is simply a
popularity contest backed by multinationals and the day to day working of
countries have been outsourced to companies neither voted for you by you or accountable
to anyone.

.. ......

We live in an age of spin. The media is telling us to
tighten our belts and prepare for the bumpiest ride since the depression of the
20’s. Should we believe them ?. The portents are all there, even in Ireland
where we adopted many of the free market economic models only just short of
privatising everything including the railways, postal system etc. Our
privatised Health Service Executive is a perfect example, an outsourced,
self-regulated, non-accountable body that looks after your health. No wonder
MRSI is rampant when you internally outsource cleaning work to Phillipinos
working on barely the minimum wage with connection to the society they are a
part of. What did we model it on ?. The NHS. Enough said.

.. ......

For a while it worked and we had our day in the sun but
greed has simply driven it over the edge. What did we spend our money on you
might ask ?. The answer, cocaine, SUVs and over priced housing. Plain and
simple. We may be somewhat protected from the full collapse of the banks like
the US and UK whose investment banks gambled peoples money away with a hellbent
disregard. As someone who was just a teenager in the 80s the newer generations
have some fun filled times to look forward to.

.. ......

It also might put our rejection of the Lisbon Treaty in
sharp focus as Europe heads for recession. Sarkozy and other free market
advocates had hoped Europe would be a far more integrated economic model prior
to the impending credit crunch as China, the far and Middle east grow in
stature and influence. Does the USs’ financial uncertainty affect Europe ?.
Most definitely. We can already see many UK and Irish companies being bought
out by Chinese multinationals looking to expand into Europe. It may sound
ridiculous to some but look who is buying up English football teams right now,
the Saudi Arabian royal family, oil moguls and a Nigerian consortium is
apparently taking over Newcastle United. Europe had more or less left Africa
for dead but in the past couple of years China has been rebuilding the country,
striking up unscrupulous political, economic and financial relationships with
African despots and failed States. Expansion and aid in exchange for first dibs
on their natural resources. Add in to the melting pot Russia’s resurgent
military might, Irananian refusal to be cow towed and a growing realisation
among the countries around the oil rich Caspian sea as former Soviet colonies
move closer to the Middle East and Islamic States that perhaps they do not need
the West for anything other then lip service if even that and it spells even
more danger for the financial institutions and governments of the West.

.. ......

There may be trouble ahead…

.. ......


seriously ... when the fuck did credit scores start.

I remember back in the late 80's I started recieveing credit cards and I used them for investing in a lot of liquid assets ... namely drinks at bars with college buddies.

I don't think I or anyone else for that matter were EVER informed by either the CC co's, the gov't or private organizations for that matter that they were keeping tabs on my spending habits and measuring them in some way. This all just kind of happened ...

I think some kind of schooling should have been in order at the time.