Fuckers Fuckers Fuckers


Undercover Shredder
Sep 8, 2003
So - I just finished washing my car for 3 fucking hours out in the goddamn freezing cold because the bastard cock-gobbling kids in my neighborhood decided to egg my fucking car.

They did it last night - i am so fucking lucky it was cold or else there would have been so much paint gone - 24 eggs, al over my truck.

I think I'm going to have to come up with a retaliation plan.
FretsAflame said:
So - I just finished washing my car for 3 fucking hours out in the goddamn freezing cold because the bastard cock-gobbling kids in my neighborhood decided to egg my fucking car.

They did it last night - i am so fucking lucky it was cold or else there would have been so much paint gone - 24 eggs, al over my truck.

I think I'm going to have to come up with a retaliation plan.
Well that sucks, I'll get voodoo on their asses for you.

COCKGOBBLERS!!! Did you tell them you like Michael Bolton?

Damn kids, I take a pill everyday to do my part to prevent adding any more to this world. I need to wash my car here while it is warm, I'm wearing shorts and a shirt and I'm actually warm. Have the windows open and the air condtioning on and everything.
NicodemiX said:
is it me or is it that kids are becoming even bigger bitches than ever?

it's not just you - they are

I've been putting up with shit from them for years now. Every time something happens I don't know what to do. It's like - "okay, do I kick their asses in front of their friends and humiliate them and possibly get in trouble or do I keep my fuckin mouth shut and hope their parents do something?"

Seriously, i'm like 2 seconds away from taking my car and plowing it through their little street gang because they piss me off.

But honestly - when you think about it... if this is their pathetic little attempt at getting back at me for whatever they think I did to them, that's pretty damn sad. Who eggs a car? In the night? Cowards and bitches, that's who. If you're going to egg someones car - no... fuck that - if you want to get someone walk up to their car just as they start it, and splash a whole bucket of paint thinner all over their fucking car. Don't deny anything - just be like "bitch, you know i'm yo momma's baby's daddy" and throw that shit on their car. If someone asks say "yeah, it was me - and that kid is a bitch, i'd do it again in a heartbeat"

What a bunch of pussies.
FretsAflame said:
it's not just you - they are

Seriously, i'm like 2 seconds away from taking my car and plowing it through their little street gang because they piss me off.

What a bunch of pussies.

Seriously - they're some hardcore thugs. No, really, i mean it - I fear them and their eggs and their marijuana. They scare me to the very depths of my soul.

Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft what.ever. ... I should abduct these kids and take them for a walk in the d.c. ghetto at 2:30 in the morning. Half of them would get fucked up for not being hardcore enough and the other half would piss and shit themselves to death.
BlackwaterNymph said:
I need to wash my car here while it is warm, I'm wearing shorts and a shirt and I'm actually warm. Have the windows open and the air condtioning on and everything.
Doesn't air conditioning work better with the windows closed?
FretsAflame said:
it's not just you - they are

I've been putting up with shit from them for years now. Every time something happens I don't know what to do. It's like - "okay, do I kick their asses in front of their friends and humiliate them and possibly get in trouble or do I keep my fuckin mouth shut and hope their parents do something?"

Seriously, i'm like 2 seconds away from taking my car and plowing it through their little street gang because they piss me off.

But honestly - when you think about it... if this is their pathetic little attempt at getting back at me for whatever they think I did to them, that's pretty damn sad. Who eggs a car? In the night? Cowards and bitches, that's who. If you're going to egg someones car - no... fuck that - if you want to get someone walk up to their car just as they start it, and splash a whole bucket of paint thinner all over their fucking car. Don't deny anything - just be like "bitch, you know i'm yo momma's baby's daddy" and throw that shit on their car. If someone asks say "yeah, it was me - and that kid is a bitch, i'd do it again in a heartbeat"

What a bunch of pussies.

Seriously, I would just get some pics of them in the act and let the cops deal with them. The legal system is a big pain in the ass, it sucks their fucking with your belongings and causing damage to it. Around here vandalizing and destruction of property are taken pretty seriously. Sucks to have to be a narc, but they are ruining your shit. Or just grab 2 or 3 of them, hog tie 'em, throw in the back of the truck and go for a trip down a bumpy country road, and be sure to perform brake and accelerator tests frequeutly. Of course this has legal impications also.............

yeah - the thing is, i'll probably never catch them with a camera - so i think i may have to break into their houses at night and kidnap them.
Guerrilla said:
Doesn't air conditioning work better with the windows closed?
i was thinking the same thing :lol:

and frets something similar happened to be in the summer
some kids paintballed my hosue so i got a whole pack of otehr really big kids (one had a 19 inch bicept(sp?) and looked liek wolverine)to knock the shit outta them with me
so we were walking along with a bat and a backpack and like 6 huge kids with me in the middle
peack sof wigers were crossing the street to get away
couldn't find the kid so we went to his house he cmae to the door and ran back up the stairs falling on his way there
his dad went to answer the door and it got a little crazy when one of the kids with me wanted to beat up his dad

after all that touh i found out it was the wrong little shmuck but word got out to the kids that did it (who i didn't even know or have ever met no idea why they would do it) and im guessing they got scared shitless and fucked off

we should ahve liek a huge um meeting and knock the crap outa them :lol:
okay - that was weird - at 11:39 - two kids walked straight up to my mailbox and walked away - i'm not going to sleep tonight...

i'm watchin the fuckers...
I swear to you - if I see something - someone's getting an ass whooping, and it aint me. I'm gonna call the cops - then i'm going to pound their asses on the pavement until the cops get there. No Joke. They'll never fuck with me again.

Do you know what a curbie is?