Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
I gots me a wicked cold this morning and it sucks. :erk:

But now for the interesting story.

Well so I drive on over to Wegmans to pick up some cold med. I am browsing the isle and I lookin shit over and realize "where the fuck is the Psuedophedrine?" Apparently (it's been a long ass time since I bought OTC cold drugs) you have to go to the ******** ASK for it specifically and then give your licence to them. They don't tell you this either I imagine they just exspect you to buy that shitty phenylphenaline based crap (witch is garbage I have some old shit with that in it and it did not work) that they have out on the shelf.


Fucking drug makin assholes. Thing thats silly is meth really isn't that big up here.
Gotta love that war on drugs...

"Hey... this... thing we're doing... isn't working. That whole supply-and-demand thing, you know, really kicking us in the ass - the harder we make it to sell drugs, the more they make doing it and the harder they try."
"Well, what do you suggest we do?"
"I don't know..."
"Well, our system of enforcing absurd rules that invade people's lives and cause more harm than they solve isn't working, so obviously the only solution is..."
"More of it! What the bloody hell did you think I was going to say?"
"Erm... yes, then."
