Fucking EARNING my first negative feedback on ebay

My god this is the stuff jokes are made from, what a sad fucking individual that guy is! Can't believe dudes/shemales like him really exist!
This is fucking win.

Sarcasm: it's not just for lecturing anymore...

On a more serious note, I'm disturbed by the current trend of insult-generation - it seems that all we need to do is take a bodily part or function, add some everyday object or activity, and decide whether or not to hyphenate. Back in my day, when books were measured in arms-lengths - just to fuck with people with 'unusually-sized' arms or poor skills with decimals - and people had names like Mortimer Guillotine du Murderyouinthefuckingface because they were simply that awesome, insulting your fellow man was one of the most complex, intricate, and challenging activities we had. There were no quick cheats - we had to spend all of our spare time on finding new ways to belittle others... but now, rather than walking to the pain factory and back again - uphill both ways, mind you! - for time and inspiration, it all seems so... trivialized.
