Fucking Jews

Wolftribe said:
yeh there are a couple people on this board who try their hardest to get attention through racism and anti-semitism..... its kinda pathetic
You might understand if you weren't such a dumb my pals.
thats exactly what i am talking about.... i mean a post like that has absolutely no purpose but to bring attention to oneself in the most unintelligent and annoying way
Racism is a joke. It's so goddamn ridiculous that any person with a REASONABLE IQ will realize that and simply dismiss it as a joke. My post was not looking for attention, your assumption was shaped on an idiotic point of view.

<MHammett> Why did the my pals family go to the zoo to see the monkeys? Family reunion
<MHammett> How do you know you've picked up a polite my pals hitchhiker? He brought his own tow chains
<MHammett> What is the difference between a white owl and a black owl?A white owl goes, "Who, who," a black owl goes, "Who dat? Who dat?"
<MHammett> What did they call the new Jewish-Japanese restaurant? "So-Sue-Mi"
<MHammett> Why do police dogs lick their asses so much? To get the taste of my pals out of their mouths
<MHammett> What does PONTIAC stand for? Poor Old my pals Thinkds Its A Cadillac!
<MHammett> Whats the difference between a refridgerator and a fag? the fridge dosnt fart when you pull the meat out.
<MHammett> How do you know you've picked up a polite my pals hitchhiker? He brought his own tow chains
<MHammett> What do they call a Negro nuclear physicist in Alabama? A my pals
<MHammett> How many my pals does it take to shingle a roof? Ten if you slice them thin enough
<MHammett> How do you starve a my pals? Hide the food stamps and welfare checks under a bar of soap
<MHammett> What does a Jewish woman do to keep her hands soft and her nails so long and beautiful? Nothing, Nothing at all.
<MHammett> How do you kill a mexican? Throw a quarter off a cliff.
<MHammett> Whats the name of the facial lotion mady for jews? Oil of Oy Vay
<MHammett> Whats long and hard on a my pals? The Fourth Grade
Don't be a dumbass, it's ok to go around shouting FUCK CHRISTIAAANS!!!, but not FUCK JEEWWWWWSS!!!??? Jews are not a "race" per se, anybody can become a Jew through conversion. Are Jews an ethnicity then? No, Jewdaism is just a religion. If you're not religious why would you identify yourself as a Jew, and why would you be offended by such comments?
It's a whole bunch of PC shit, fuck that. Everybody's uptight about the holocaust and whatnot, yet we cheered on the Romans feeding Christians to the lions, you know what I mean? I don't see what Hitler did as any different than what the Romans back then did. Any action against religion is a good one in my book.