
Overly-Cryptic Jake
so this kid begs me to write for the site... ok fine. he writes his first review about some band/guy he already knows and owns the CD of. fine so i send him four CD's (not my best stuff admittedly, but no one gets 'gold' on their first batch). he gets back to me "they all suck". fine so i send him the new Brandston, new Motion city soundtrack/shotzie split, and Freeform. i get word back again... "they all suck" so, i'm asking for all the releases back... and for him to go fuck himself. the dood doesn't want to be a writer, he wants free music. and he wants the 'cred' of being a writer. fucking punk ass kid.
see, i would love to help but i just dont know enough about music. so i'd be like i like this because i like it and stuff and cuz it's noisy and stuff and because i am me and it's neat. i have nothing to compare it to! i am also bad at music genre naming and such. but anyway, that kid is a douche. i used to do a magazine w/my friend and people would always try to jack us for release promos and stuff. we'd always refuse and just wrote stuff ourselves.
see, i would love to help but i just dont know enough about music. so i'd be like i like this because i like it and stuff and cuz it's noisy and stuff and because i am me and it's neat. i have nothing to compare it to! i am also bad at music genre naming and such. but anyway, that kid is a douche.
see, I actually think that more people like y'all should be writing. having to always compare bands and fit em in genres makes for boring reading. it's much more interesting to read things when described in more abstract or personal terms.
well, i guess i could try it but you'd have to expect reviews like: this band sounds like that one band where all the people have shaggy hair and well, they suck too and also, it's boring and the drummer can't keep a beat and also it scared my rabbit.
See, I just don't want to. I'm probably the best reviewer that ever graced the music industry but I can't put myself out there too much and devalue myself. It's all about supply and demand.
nah it's cool alex...

the problem i have with this kid is that it seems the only music he likes is "it" bands.

"oh, i haven't heard of them... they suck"

ohhh, and if it's british... he likes it, no matter what. i'm guessing even oasis.

as far as you other peeps, if you want to help, all you got to do is ask
actually josh, you already have a job at the site... when ever you get to it.

prep if you want to review b-movies (along with josh and nick) i could hook that up. that way, you are helping but you don't have to cover music. i don't want anyone to do something they aren't comfortable doing.

also... indie workshop is branching out. i'm doing my first PR work.
you get movies too? wow. really branching out.

avi- you're not last, because i haven't sent in mine yet. i was having trouble with this- i keep trying to think of good covers, but can't think of any that stick out. so far i've got The Donnas doing Strutter and the Pretenders doing Axis Bold as Love.

and since i said trouble, i thought of Trouble doing Cream's Tales of Brave Ulysses. i'm lost on this one.
my choices for the week:
Coil - Tainted Love
The Cardigans - Mr. Crowley

runners-up: Big Black - The Model, any other Cardigans Sabbath cover, Gamma Ray - It's a Sin, In Flames - Everything Counts

metal bands doing 80s songs is hi-larious