Fucking tired of...

Good point. In that cases I started to ask the band if the booklet layout is already finished. Usually that gives you some space ;)

Eheh...that's a minor problem. The real problem is that they will not release the album at all. It's a very sad moment... a friend of mine did the website for another friend that run a very nice studio (big console, etc...). When he searched the material for the player........... the 80% of the songs were made by bands that never released the album or that don't exist anymore.
This way, you got the money and that's cool...but you don't get the visibility that lot of album on the market could give to you and to your studio.
I'm just tired of musicians in general. Sometimes I really want to fucking quit... and I'm not even an engineer!!

Musicians are cunts. Engineers are cunts. FOH are cunts. Venues are cunts. Promoters are cunts. Other bands are cunts. Twitter is a cunt. Facebook is a cunt. This whole fucking binary universe is full of cunts. I want the dirt back, I want the struggle, I don't want bands that play fucking open D djent riffs to get any acclaim. I don't want young kids to make money from their piece of shit songs written in five minutes. I want the mystique, I want the drama, I want the heightened sense of spiritual creativity.


Cunts. The lot of them.
I hate engineers that record bands that cant play their instruments for shit, so they play/programme/re tune (or what ever) their parts to make them sound good, then complain about it after on an internet forum.
If we as engineers allowed these types of guys to really hear how bad they are, dont fix it for them, or simply don't record them, they will learn eventually and the ones that dont, wont get recorded. But don't do it just so you have something to complain about. If we hide from them that they do not have the ability needed to play/record like a pro, then they will not get better and the problem will live on and on..
There are MANY people on this very forum that say they fix things on a regular basis for people. Complain to them as they are the ones ultimately resonsible. Play you god damn instrument yourself or GTFO!

The home/project studio has allowed the masses to record but quality control should still be at the basis of what we do. Honestly if a band can not hear that they play bad and sound like poos then they will not notice if it is not fixed in the mix, they will still think they are awesome but the rest of the intelligent world will know thay are not and then maybe, just maybe we will start to see real talent emerge again, Musicians that can record difficult passages/riffs by themselves in one or two takes!
End Rant.
I'm just tired of musicians in general. Sometimes I really want to fucking quit... and I'm not even an engineer!!

Musicians are cunts. Engineers are cunts. FOH are cunts. Venues are cunts. Promoters are cunts. Other bands are cunts. Twitter is a cunt. Facebook is a cunt. This whole fucking binary universe is full of cunts. I want the dirt back, I want the struggle, I don't want bands that play fucking open D djent riffs to get any acclaim. I don't want young kids to make money from their piece of shit songs written in five minutes. I want the mystique, I want the drama, I want the heightened sense of spiritual creativity.


Cunts. The lot of them.

+ 1 and a time machine
I hate engineers that record bands that cant play their instruments for shit, so they play/programme/re tune (or what ever) their parts to make them sound good, then complain about it after on an internet forum.
If we as engineers allowed these types of guys to really hear how bad they are, dont fix it for them, or simply don't record them, they will learn eventually and the ones that dont, wont get recorded. But don't do it just so you have something to complain about. If we hide from them that they do not have the ability needed to play/record like a pro, then they will not get better and the problem will live on and on..
There are MANY people on this very forum that say they fix things on a regular basis for people. Complain to them as they are the ones ultimately resonsible. Play you god damn instrument yourself or GTFO!

The home/project studio has allowed the masses to record but quality control should still be at the basis of what we do. Honestly if a band can not hear that they play bad and sound like poos then they will not notice if it is not fixed in the mix, they will still think they are awesome but the rest of the intelligent world will know thay are not and then maybe, just maybe we will start to see real talent emerge again, Musicians that can record difficult passages/riffs by themselves in one or two takes!
End Rant.

correct. As an audio engineer, you have to know that much of your job will entail turd polishing. That's just the way it is. It's a rare treat when you're able to record someone who doesn't suck. It's frustrating at times, but it won't change anytime soon.

So if you never want to edit a shitty drummer, or autotune a crappy singer, find another fucking profession!
correct. As an audio engineer, you have to know that much of your job will entail turd polishing. That's just the way it is. It's a rare treat when you're able to record someone who doesn't suck. It's frustrating at times, but it won't change anytime soon.

So if you never want to edit a shitty drummer, or autotune a crappy singer, find another fucking profession!

Being an Audio engineer isn't a profession.*
Secondly, I think you've missed the point of their post.

*it can be - but that's only if you fit the criteria of what is considered to be an educated, full time, member of a professional body (eg: IOA, AES etc). So for most people they aren't. that's half the problem.
I'm glad that people do! :)
There are specifics as to what constitutes a profession, and many people don't class Audio Engineers (the practitioners not academics, usually) as professionals.

If you use the rule that "the job you earn a living from is a profession" then anything can be described a profession and that unsettles the vast majority of old-school people.

Traditionally, 'professions' were jobs that weren't much fun and were extremely involved studies [not saying that AEing can't, or doesn't] which carried prestige in their communities, such as Doctors / Nurses / Teachers / Lawyers. There are a lot of jobs today which break that mould and could argue a case for being classed as professionals. Most of these are in digital media.

[as a side note, in the UK firefighters are going to be considered a profession after their valiant acts during the recent riots.]
Fuck the "Loudness War" !!!!!! Fuck the Dynamic range reduction!!!!!!

I don't really hear it too much nowadays, but then again I don't keep up with all recent music. I can't understand why someone would like the sound of clipping. I feel like a horrible engineer whenever I get any sort of clipping.
I am sick of every new band i check out its basically horribly programmed slate or superior drums with podfarm guitars and NO FUCKING ORIGINALITY AT ALL. Like listen to your music if you think its pretty good its probably fucking horrible. If you think your music is AMAZING its probably ok (applies to noobs and youth only). i am so sick of this that i am trashing anybody/band that has production like this i can't stand it. i would much rather here demo songs recorded live off the floor in a basement with one room mic then another podfarm/slate/superior mass up. Write an original song PLEASEEEEEEEEEE. When i started listening to music i found so many bands i loved instantly, lately i've found about 1 new metal band i loved each year which is why i barely even listen to metal/hardcore anymore... most pop songs have more originality these days...

glad i got that off my chest good threat :D
Omg I hate it when a band comes in the studio asking to sound like the Faceless or any numetal but they are no where close to being that skilled. I understand we are eng/tech have to get close to achieving that sound but when a band can't even play to a click or let alone remember all the parts to a song that boils my blood..