Fulltone OCD


Sep 7, 2008
London, UK
Just ordered a Fulltone OCD, will get it tomorrow. I was thinking about getting a Laney VH100R. Do you think I'll need it now I've got the Fulltone?

I play sludgey epic metal type stuff - think ISIS, Cult of Luna, Mastodon, Baroness; etc. Also some stoner stuff in there as well (Kyuss, Fu Manchu).

I think the two channel + footswitchable gains on the VH100R would be excellent, but I could probably get away with just the GH100L.

What you reckon?
The OCD sounds friggin awesome! good buy!
Reeeaaaaly cool on bass aswell, bit stonery/sludgy but still pretty clear.

I think your better of buying something like an old marschall jcm800 2203 or a plexi or something! Not a fan of the newer Laney stuff.
Clips I certainly can do... don't have a brilliant amp at the moment though, only a solid-state Yamaha bass amp. It's not too bad for guitar, but can't compare to a decent valve amp.
I'll do some clips. But I've lost my mic clip, so it may be a few days. I'm doing some recording with my band at the weekend, so I'll do some demos then.