fun metal

Originally posted by Darth Kur
S.O.D. and old M.O.D. are fun as hell. Plus the Mentors were pretty funny....crude and tasteless but funny. (Not extremely musically talented either.) Plus Lawnmower Deth and Exit-13 (some of it anyway).
If that's what you meant by "fun" as in funny. As for being simply fun then everything goes. It's all fun depending on what you're in the mood for.

Totally agree on SOD. That's definetly fun. Good riffage and funny rants. Dennis Miller should front a metal band.
Yes, Macabre is king, vampire of dusseldorf is the ultimate "fun" song.

Also, you wouldn't ever think Iced Earth is as much fun to skate to as it is.
Forgive the shameless self-plugging, but I'd like to suggest Anal Gore Terror (read the sig for details and descriptions).

We're waiting for approval for an site, but until then, feel free to IM me on AIM (Christermination) and I'll send you some, or hop on Soulseek and IM ArsonistSavior to tell me to add you to my list so you can download what we have recorded thus far.
I always have fun listening to The Dead Shall Dead Remain by Impaled, no matter what I'm doing. I'm always showing my younger brothers the samples throughout the disc. They're particularly fond of the warbly fart at the end of "Faecal Rites".
Carnival In Coal. Think Morbid Angel meets Mr. Bungle meets The Muppets meets The Village People with a black metal tweak. Songs about bannanas, getting raped, what clothing Pazuzu wears, fucking dogs, strolling through the woods with a sword talking to birds, poo, ect...., not to mention a DM cover of the theme to Flashdance, a disco enhanced cover of Bark at the Moon and a gay lounge version of Fucking Hostile.
Anal Cunt's "The flowershop guy" is also cool! Their version of the A-Team theme is also pretty cool!
If were talking 80's shit, then of course Guns N' Roses (although I don't find them particularly funny). Other stuff (which I don't find particularly funny either):
Skid Row: "Monkey Business", "Slave to the grind", "Youth gone wild", "Wasted time" (although this is a ballad), "Livin' on a chain gang".
W.A.S.P.: "The real me"
Bon Jovi: "Livin' on a prayer", "You give love a bad name", "Bad medicine"
Van Halen: "Hot for teacher"
I guess that's it!
'fuck..... im dead' top the list for me
its about twice as heavy as anal cunt but similar, ever since i heard 'shotgun facelift' and 'army of hamaphrodites' iv been hooked
anal cunt probably come second, 'pottery is gay' and 'van full of retards' were classic
megadeth are great too, but arent funny in the same way, its kinda dissapointing that you can actually understand what theyre saying
primus would be on the list but i take them very seriously, i just think most people havent done enough drugs to experience the things their music is about so theyre easily passed off as a funny, non-serious band, plus the fact that les claypool is the god of bass

and WTF is up with your signature????
i know if you reverse the swastika its the buddhist symbol of peace, but your not supposed to plaster the wrong fucking one all over every thread you reply to