Question To Death Metal Fans

I like 'em because they fit the music... it's as simple as that. You can't have a guy like Hansi of Blind Guardian singing for a band like Malignancy. It would just sound stupid then.
Originally posted by Ol' Dirty Bastard
... though it would be a huge improvement over Tom Arya's Chihuahua vocals. Weakest vocalist in history.

Wow, I'm bleeding since I bit my tongue so hard on that one! Gotta let you have your opinion,, I'm not sure I could disagree more!!

Rip on Araya's later basslines, and yeah, I'll agree with you there, but... :mad:
Whether or not Tate would be an improvement over Araya wasn't my point. Tate's vocals just wouldn't fit the style.

Just so we're clear: I love Tate, especially his work on Queensryche's first 4 releases. But DM requires something different. Growling (like Deicide, Cannibal Corpse, etc.) works, and so does a more shouting style (like Kreator or Demolition Hammer).

It can really suck, too. I just think dismissing it out of hand because it's "growling" is silly. Take the entire band for what it is. And if you don't like it, then by all means DON'T LISTEN TO IT.
there are alot of different style of growls i have found. some are really clear and you can hear what they are saying. some sound gurgles.

but really, does what they are saying make a difference? i think of the vocals more as a percussion instrument. done to accent and create another layer of rythm. but maybe thats just me

and for some reason, i think i the gurgles are kinda cool. i dunno why. they just do. hehehehe
But Araya does not growl. He's gone on record plenty of times stating that he can't stand growled vocals. I think he was a bad example to be used in this thread.

God, I feel kinda stupid talking about people growling and shit. Like.... durrrrhhhhhh.....
Originally posted by Dodens Grav
I (as many who were just getting into it I'm sure), at first, couldn't stand the vocal stylings, but I stuck with it because I loved the music.

Yes...and now I like some of the vocals.

But bad choice in avoiding At The Gates, one of the greatest bands and greatest vocalists IMO :).
Speaking of death metal, can anyone recommend me some good American death metal bands? I know of all the big ones like Nile, Cannibal Corpse, Morbid Angel, etc, I was looking for some more "underground" ones.
Originally posted by cocokrisp
Speaking of death metal, can anyone recommend me some good American death metal bands? I know of all the big ones like Nile, Cannibal Corpse, Morbid Angel, etc, I was looking for some more "underground" ones.

check out "Blood Red Throne"...a great death metal from norway.....
Originally posted by cocokrisp
Speaking of death metal, can anyone recommend me some good American death metal bands? I know of all the big ones like Nile, Cannibal Corpse, Morbid Angel, etc, I was looking for some more "underground" ones.

Extreme Metal vocals have become an art form in themselves. I can honestly say that I find some death metal vocals moving and beautiful.

It's never a surprise that most people's first exposure to such a vocal style promotes a negative response. But that's simply because most people are used to more conventional music.

Like with any art form there is technique (ask any good DM vocalist). And like any area of music there are good and bad performers. I would say that the main factor in making good DM vocals is control over the voice.

Some people, I think, want their vocals to 'hide' the lyrics but some of the first class DM vocalist such as Akerfeldt and Tagtgren have developed a style where you can hear most of the words very clearly. Personally I rather like that, and they're some my favourite vocalist. Mikael from Dark Tranquillity has to be up there amongst the best too :)
So many Death Metal bands I love:

Bolt Thrower
Fear Factory (ealier)
Soilent Green

What I like about death metal is the aggression. Mmmm aggression..