'Fun' music

Wolfman Von Jones

The trouble with you
Dec 6, 2001
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What do you listen to when you want to not take yourself or music too seriously? Bands included should not take themselves too seriously, silly lyrics, etc,etc.

POST! :)
I'm tempted to say black metal. But i never have fun and i take everything seriously.
First band that comes to my mind so early in the morning is Bloodhound Gang.
Serious acts have sometimes the odd silly song, and it's usually hilarious. Take Alice Cooper's The Song That Didn't Rhyme or The Ballad of Jesse Jane.
Korpiklaani. How can you take yourself seriously when you're listening to Korpiklaani? (Though I don't think I ever really take myself or the music I listen to TOO seriously.) There are also The Arrogant Worms, Captain Tractor, Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie, and other stupid crap that only Canadians would find amusing. I don't really listen to it on my own, though, my friends make me. D:
Hey, Korpiklaani pwns ;)

I listen to "The Streets" sometimes, which is really a contrast to what I usually listen to. Them some 80s stuff or music that I have associations with, music that probably doesnt have any artistic value or else, but that reminds me of things, childhood memories, holidays and stuff. I do tend to listen to that on my own, and I switch off any music plugins whenever I remember ;)
Who are you all talking about fun? We are in a death metal forum. Where is ian? He will tell you how to behave in a death metal forum.