Fun with Metal!

I just realised Lombardo is missing from the photo. We should alert Blabbermouth and tell them it's obvious there was rifts in the band at an early time and Dave's departure was a long time coming before it actually happened in 2013.
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I figured this was "fun with metal" because look at the guy, someone not having fun does not dress like that!!

I love listening to the way this guy talks about things. I don't necessarily believe everything he says, damn some of it makes him sound like a confused mental patient, but I always like hearing his ramblings and seeing what point he's trying to make.
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From the rear tub and the rims that looks like the baby brother to my ute.

Speaking of fun with metal did you see the Blabber article with Pete Townshend saying the sort of invented metal? Honestly I don't even care that the guy isn't correct, the way Blabber commentors reacted was hilarious.
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I don't know if he was just saying it to get headlines or if he actually meant it. But either way you can see why some of these early bands at least think they influenced metal. Still influencing and inventing are vastly different things.
We had pub bands in the 60's and 70's here playing faster on stage than some of the 80's metal bands, but they only did it on stage and they never (well haven't yet) claimed they invented metal.
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The thing is is that having twinges of metal doesn't make it metal. Sure you can go back to early bands and say, oh listen to that, that sounds like a metal riff or a scream or whatever. Someone on Blabber wrote a few months ago that he thinks Helter Skelter by the Beatles is the first metal song. I had a good laugh. It's like ok. Go ask Paul if he thinks that song is metal. Metal didn't come about in pieces that way. From the opening note of Black Sabbath it doesn't sound like anything else before it. It sounds dark and evil. Everything about it. The bass the drums the guitar the vocals. The imagery. It's very ominous. It's not kind of metal or proto metal or if they did this or that it would be metal. It has everything we know and use today as metal.
Black Sabbath is Metal
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Pete is a reclusive nerd who, while good at what he does, often can't see outside his own bubble and kicks people down when they don't see it the same way. His comment was still not correct but if he's focused on one single element of the Who's history and Live at Leeds was a big show for the time, it's easy for him to pick out small moments at that time and claim they influenced the metal musicians that came after him. I still think using the word 'invent' was either a deliberate bastard move to make people talk, or it was his way of reminding people the band were around smashing guitars, playing loud and being rebellious before metal arrived. I'm sure he knows he didn't invent metal, just like he knows that suggesting he influenced many metal musicians wouldn't be talked about as much
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Sure, I'll totally give him influence on players to be loud and smash things and be dangerous (for those times) and pick up the guitar in the first place, but not to play metal. I'll give them that they helped make hard rock.
But yeah you're completely right about the guy. It seems like a lot of these guys are becoming very insecure about their legacies for some reason.
I think this type of thing will keep popping up more and more.
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The thing is Pete's been high on himself since the 60's, saying he invented metal is one of the least silly things he said.
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At this point it's really just a race to see who's next rather than what any one person might say.
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